
Aavik U-588, Aavik, Kudos 606 Speakers, Ansuz X2 Speaker Cables, Multiple Ansuz X2 Power Cords, Ansuz Mainz8 A2 Power Distribution and Ansuz A2 Power Cord, Multiple Ansuz Sortz Base Model Noise Reduction Plugs, Ansuz D3 Powerswitch, Ansuz X2 Ethernet Cable, Multiple Ansuz C2t Darkz devices, Quadraspire SVT with Bronze upgrade.

Room Details

Dimensions: 25’ × 25’  X large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Aavik Acoustics U-588
    All-on-one amplifier
    • Kudos 606
    606 Speakers
    • Ansuz Acoustics X2 Digital Cable
    Cable from D3 Powerswitch to U-588
    • Ansuz Acoustics Mainz8 A2 with A2 Power Cord
    Power Distribution
    • Ansuz Acoustics X2 Speaker Cables
    Speaker cables
    • Ansuz Acoustics X2 Power Cords
    Power Cord - U-588, Ansuz D3 Powerswitch
    • Ansuz Sortz
    Base Model Noise Reduction RCA, BNC, USB Plugs
    • Ansuz X2 Ethernet Cable
    D3 Powerswitch to U-588
    • Ansuz Acoustics C2t Darkz devices
    • Ansuz Acoustics D3 Powerswitch
    D3 Powerswitch

Comments 22

Very nicely done, Sro.  A great system in a great living space.


I appreciate the pictures of the entire room. Allows for a better feel of an already great looking system.


Switched coaxial cable to Black Rhodium Adagio cable.  Most definite change in sound.  I'll give them time to break-in but initial impression is very detailed and revealing.  Bass is tighter.  In general, upon first listen, I really like them.  Much more presence, especially in the mid-range and treble but with no brightness or harshness.  Seem quite excellent.  Also the thinnest, smallest coaxial I've ever seen.


Naim CD5Si added replacing CDT-Pro 8 which is relegated to second system.  Early impressions are very positive.  New pictures coming.


What a lovely system. I can only imagine how spacious and airy music must sound through that potent combination of excellent components. Congratulations....


Looks like a cozy living area.  I like open floor plans.


Added Synology D118 with 4TB of network music storage accessible to all network devices.  Relatively easy, sounds great.  Primarily played through Node 2i.


Switched out last Cardas Parsec Cables, these were coaxial, for Blue Jean Cables 1505F coaxial.  Immediately opened up, seems more neutral, tonally more realistic in my view and of course in my system.  Very inexpensive replacement, price isn't everything.


Changed out Cardas Parsec speaker cables to Witch Hat N2 from the UK.  I like them very much even after only a couple of days.  The Parsec cables were good but seemed a little "dark and veiled" in my system sometimes. 

Also changed out the Parsec RCA Interconnect from the DAC to the X3 to the Flashback Premier RCA to 5 Pin DIN from the UK. The combination of the Witch Hat N2 and the Flashback seems to have removed most, if not all, of that darkness and veiled effect.

I am very pleased with this change completely related to the improvement in the quality of the sound.  Detail is still very good, bass is tighter and very clean, airiness may be slightly less but very much dependent on the recording.  As a side note, the cost of the Witch Hat and Flashback cables is about 25% of the cost of the Cardas.  


Dale Chihuly - I should have recognized them.   I'd forgotten that he does prints as well as glass.   Your room is a very livable space.   I'm impressed.


Framed proofs over Sideboard system are by Dale Chihuly.


You are correct.  Sideboard system is music only.  TV with Yamaha, Klipsch and Sony for video only.  Also a bedroom system with Naim XS2 integrated, Blumenstein Marlin Ultralight speakers, Mytek Liberty DAC, Auris Blume Bluetooth 5.0 receiver.


No mention of system or equipment with TV?  Is one for surround and presumably the bookshelf system for music primarily?


Nice room!  What is the name of the artist of the two side by side prints?


Just updated to Naim XS3.  Seems to provide a little more clarity and presence, not that the XS2 was lacky in this.  The XS3 is just more of a good thing.  XS2 relegated to secondary system with Blumenstein speakers and Mytek Liberty DAC, which sounds great.


I really appreciate systems that are a part of a space and enhance how people live in that space. Visually elegant. I also have moved away from a listening position


Updated the DAC to a Denafrips Ares II.  More open, airy and "raw", brand new out of the box.  Reminds me more of live music at clubs and concerts I would attend.  Mytek is excellent but maybe a little to refined, at least to my ears.


Beautiful, simple system.  Love your Naim XS.  Could not agree more with no longer living in the sweet spot.

Happy listening!


Thanks.  Works great for me.  I previously had systems where you sit in a "sweet" spot but just don't live like that anymore.  The platforms are custom cut from a granite shop on top of IsoAcoustic pucks.  I used the pucks that are good for 20 lbs each, I think they are the ISO-Pucks for studios.  Will be trying a Denafrips Ares II next week in place of the Liberty DAC.  I love the Liberty DAC and it does MQA but not sure about MQA and I wanted to try a ladder DAC, so we'll see.  Art work is Dale Chihuly proofs.  He doesn't do just glass.


Cool set-up!  Nice components all the way around 😁

I also like the artwork.

Thanks for the idea about the platforms.  Is that granite on top of the isoacoustics? Looks really nice 👍


Love it really nice chill vibe and cool system.


Very nice.  Like you’re artwork too.


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