Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Magico Speaker’s S5
    • Aqua Acoustics La Scala MK II Optolotic DAC
    • Aqua Acoustics La Diva cd player
    • Transrotor zet 1
    • Balanced Audio Technology VK-53SE
    • Aesthetix atlas signature mono blocks
    • Nordost Tyr mkII speaker cables
    • Shunyata Research Denali 6000S
    • Audio Art Cable Statement Power Cord
    • Harmonix Resonator Reference Tuning Device

Comments 11

what rack system is your gear sitting on?


Sweet Pad, I can dig it!


Hello, what a beautiful room! Do you mind telling me more about the Sinatra artwork and from where did you buy it?
Daniel M.


Very nice!





Wow what a stunning room! And serious but also very stylish looking system. Very well done and I am sure it sounds amazing. And a lovely space to hang out and listen.


Nice looking system and living space with top notch equipment. Would love to hear your impressive system.


forgot to mention... one of my fav jazz pianist, he had so much energy! try listen to the tribute album 'Michel on My Mind' by Laurent Coulondre


Very nice setup! Smart move on the rotating LC2 :)
Please tell us more about the synergy between the VK53SE, the Atlas monos and the S5s. One of my good friends raves about his BAT pre...
What cartridge have you mounted on your ZET1? I have lately been using the Hana SL on mine, a decently priced smooth yet detailed cartridge. I'm considering upgrading the tonearm from the standard Jelco, maybe an SME V if I ever find one at a decent price!
Very neat rack and also acoustic panels, do you mind sharing details?
Enjoy the music :)


Beautiful setup. You nailed the system with that Le Corbusier chair! I am sure that is the best seat in the house.


Wow! Incredible achievement here! This a system I'd love to hear. Congrats!


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