
Coming from a really bad experience trying to blend this system plus a vpi scout that i sold(to my regret) with multichannel: xa777-es, Outlaw processor,more wires, Marantz monos, more Dynaudios , a TV , a DVD player and my wife`s bad mood. Luckily I came back to my senses, sold all that stuff and i want to even simplify more, meaning selling my amp and pre to get a tube integrated(VSI 55 for example). I am happy with my system the way it is, but if i see one less component and keep the same sound i will be even happier.

Any suggestion will be appreciated, especially regarding tube integrateds for this system. Ok, i want to go back to vinyl also. Thanks for looking. UPDATE:Pathos instead of Audio Research: big improvement

Components Toggle details

    • Sony SC-D1
    i won`t modify it, i think it`s good enough the way it came
    • Pathos Acoustics New Classic One
    Tube Integrated
    • Dynaudio Special 25
    Amazing image, glorius midrange, revealing highs that don`t make you tired, no resonance, solid
    • Nordost Blue Heaven II
    Very transparent, very good macht with the Special 25
    • Kimber Hero
    I had audioquest, found them too heavy (Muddy?), the hero it`s not lightweigh but has more detail
    • PS Audio Xtream Plus
    Power Cord to the Pathos.
    • JPS Digital AC
    Power Cable for the SCD-1, made as much difference as the speaker cable, smoother (now the extreme highs and lows sound flatter)

Comments 13

Nice looking system and setup, I'm very interested in your thoughts on the Pathos Classic One, now that you've had it for awhile. I have a pair of Dynaudio Special 25's and I'm driving them with a Sim Audio Moon I5 integrated amp. It's a very musical amp but it's not a tube amp, or a hybred like the Pathos. Dynaudio will drive these speakers at shows with the Musical Fidelity Trivista 300, very powerful but also very expensive, the first time I heard the Dynaudio 25's was with this Musical Fidelity combination, breathtaking....
I don't listen to music very loud so I'm curious how you feel the Pathos/Dynaudio 25 combo preforms at low to moderate volumes? Do you get the definition out of the Dyn's that they are noted for with the Pathos?


Just did the same, replaced Krell KST-100 and Electrocompaniet 4.6 with the Pathos classic one. I use Sonus Faber Amator 2, blue heaven for speakers, red dawn for Alchemist nexus cdp.
Something was lost in the bass without the Krell but everything else is so good. I did a home audition and compared the 2 setups and did not blink. The Pathos stayed and it's so beautiful! At the low(ish) levels I hear it's so much better. I will change cdp next and maybe speaker cables.

Minotauro-Did you try the Red Dawn for speaker?


Thanks Blue, those stands are the new Dynaudios and they go for about 450.00.I put 30 pounds of sand in each and they are dead quiet and very stable.


Hi Minotauro,
Great system.
What speaker stands are those? How much are they?


Thanks everybody for the suggestions and comments. I replaced the vs-55 and sp-16 with the Pathos New Classic, Sam tellig wasn`t lying, i can`t believe how good this thing is. I think that the bass with the Audio Research is excellent but not as good as the Pathos, so good and flat the bass is now that i ended up selling my stratta, the music has the same richness as the Audio Research but with a lot more detail. I won`t say absolutely that the Pathos is better but with my Dynaudio 25s the improvement is huge.



I just got my REL Strata III and am still in the process of blending it in. So far my impression is overall favorible. The Strata definitely adds MUCH bass to Special 25 indeed. The bass sounds like natural extension from Special 25, unlike the PSB subwoofer I have. This is THE most important quality I am looking for for a sub.

For movies with DD/DTS, the Strats sound a tad bit less authoritive in handling explosions. While this may NOT be true since I am still moving the Strata around and tweaking the knobs ...




Could you please describe the sound of the S25's with the REL StrataIII; vs. without ?

I use the S25s [and S3.4's] with the Plinius9200 integrated with very musical results.

and yes, less IS more.


Minutauro, Very nice set up! I have the Special 25 as well and they are simply beautiful!

I'm in the similar route as you are -- consolidation. I am integrating 2 channel and HT into one by selling all the 2-channel gears and use a single receiver to handle everything. Currently searching for good deals on Yamaha receivers and will get one soon.



Try a Tact M/S2150 and you can get rid of a preamp.


You should also listen to the McIntosh MA6900, easy to use solid-state, 200 wpc, and a sound that comes close to tube.


Thanks for the suggestions Kkursula and Rhum runner , Actually, last week i was bidding on a Tri-Vista but a friend of mine made me stop and i lost it at the last minute, but still it`s in my mind, and i`ve been checking the Integre Passion for a while, i`ll try to get and audition soon.


I've recently listened to the Tri-Vista integrated and was very impressed. Plenty of power to drive your speakers, but a nice tube sound as well.


If you do not mind solid state amps, i have two different suggestions: YBA Passion integrated 100wpc 8ohm or 140wpc into 4 fast, liquid and detailed, or Mark Levinson 383, with somewhat "beefier" sound character but with less microdynamics as YBA. If Dynaudios you have sound anything like my Countour 3.0 my choice would be YBA. Cheers!


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