
I finally got around to posting up one of my systems of which this is probably about the 400th iteration. Constants through all of them have been Focal and TARA. I have not found a better cable in 10 years of using The Zero or a more versatile speaker than a Utopia Series Focal.

The Grande Utopia EM is a techno tour de force that shreds all other full size speakers that I have sampled including in the lowest registers and dynamics which is typically an area where the Wilson X2 S2 would win. The Focal beats it by a mile. In my 38' by 24' room with 20' ceilings, a am getting extension well below 20Hz, dynamics that make your stomach turn, and can push volume levels that would strip the black off a crow. Yet at low volumes, it is all there, even at a whisper the linearity never falls off and the scale never goes away. The soundstage is massive yet the proportions of the instruments and height of the vocals is perfect. These are not like so many large speakers where a flute is the size of an elephant! The mid-bass is perfectly tight, the midrange is smooth as silk and the highs have air and transparency that even the best electrostat would be hard pressed to match.

The full stack of MBL Reference Series components are simply amazing. As a system, these electronics have amazing detail and transparency but ad just a touch of tube-like air to the mid without any significant coloration, loss of resolution, or veiling. Dynamics and micro dynamics are superb as you would expect and the amps have endless power and current to run the Grandes to any volume (the are efficient but they love current).

For cables, I have the TARA Zero Gold/Omega Gold and these cables offer performance like no other. Nordost, MIT, Transparent, etc, do not even come close to the neutrality of these cables nor do they add that special magic that the Zero offers. It is difficult to describe but when you put a Zero in a system, any system, it is transforms it and takes it to a totally different level. The Omega Gold speaker cables and Cobalt XL AC cords offer similar levels of performance in their categories.

For the all important power conditioning duties, the Running Springs D'Mitri is untouchable. It is one of the only conditioners that I have experienced that does no harm, only good. It improves most every aspect of performance with no current limiting, compression of soundstage, or limiting of dynamics. Leaps and bounds above the offerings from Shunyata and Audience that I have tried.

Also in the pictures are the brand new MBL 111F radials that I am playing with. These are strikingly good and while not a $180K Grande Utopia EM, you don't find yourself wanting for much except 16Hz bass extension...yes I am addicted to a solid foundation. The MBL radials do an amazing job of adding three dimensionality to material that lacks it without exaggerating the soundstage of otherwise well recorded pieces. They also have a level of transparency that is second only to the big Focals and a perfect sense of scale but once again, not exaggerated. This small speaker can compete with most $60K speakers that I have heard so I will venture to call it a stone cold bargain.

I will add that I am in the industry and have been for many years but my personal system is a reflection of what I feel is the best available and not the product of bribes or freebies. In general, if you can think of it, I have probably tried it!

Enjoy the pics!

Components Toggle details

    • MBL 1621A
    Reference Series CD Transport.
    • MBL 1611F
    Reference Series CD/SACD DAC.
    • MBL 6010D
    Reference Series preamp.
    • MBL 9008A
    Reference series mono amps.
    • Focal Grande Utopia EM
    Focal's 3rd generation flagship featuring improved Beryllium tweeters, crank adjustable cabinet alignment, and electromagnetic woofers. The ultimate in speaker technology!
    • MBL 111F
    The newest offering from MBL and the latest generation of the 111 hybrid Radialstrahler. An incredible speaker for it's size and $35k price.
    • TARA Labs Zero Gold
    This vacuum dielectric interconnect represents the ultimate in signal transfer.
    • TARA Labs Omega Gold
    The ultimate in speaker cables if sonic perfection is required.
    • TARA Labs Cobalt XL AC Cord
    Only the ultimate AC cords to compliment the ultimate interconnects and speaker cables will do.
    • Running Springs Audio Dmitri AC Conditioner
    The ultimate in non-current limiting conditioning that will not even sweat under the considerable load of this system.
    • Lovan AV48 Stand
    Not the ultimate rack for sonics but was selected for its cosmetic synergy with the electronics,

Comments 10

Absolutely fantastic facility ...... ...... sincere compliments
Hello ciro.


Love your system. I'm building out a new room. Which should be about a little smaller then the control room in most of my old studios 20 by 20 give or take a couple inchs. I'm in te design stage now and am very interested in your speakers. I've owned in the past many hi end speakers magico etc.... I run Tara labs cab els. Just bought new omega gold speaker and am getting all my ducks in a row. Question is for the size of my room which focal speaker would be a good fit. The room will be a music only and maybe a little ht. Thanks for your reply.


Stunning system, and I'll bet it sounds wonderful!


Have you tried the Synergistic Research 10SE, etc in your system? I have the 10SE along Quattro II, Precision Reference,& Accelerator cables. What is your opinon on the Synergistic Research?
Congratulation on your outstanding system.


At the exalted level of your system, you would really benefit from better equipment support. I understnad that the Lovan looks pretty, but there are real sonic benefits to be gained by proper support. You should check into Starsound Sistrum supports.Your system is awe inspiring.


The MBL 111F's just happened to be in front of the EM's when I took the pictures as I had been listening to them at the time.

They are obviously NOT in front of the EM's when those are in use.


Why are your mbl speakers right in front of your Focals??

I can't imagine why in the world you would place them there??? not to sides or the back?

love the mbl equipment! Sweet!

I would think the second set of speakers could be positioned any where else & sound better & i also think your seating position is 10-15 ft. to close to your speakers?

must be a reason?


OK. I have to say it. WOW. Grand Utopia EM's. They look fantastic. I am sure that they sound simply stunning. Congrats on a great system. I love Focal. I have the 1027's and the cc1000be in a HT/2ch system. I will probably never get a chance to listen to the Grand's. I Have head the Grand Utopia Be's though. They were stellar IMHO. Enjoy you system. But I probably don't have to tell that to you.


I have hi-rez sources in another system and it doesn't compete with the 1611/1621 running Red Book. For music, I listen to Rock, Pop, and Blues.

For a good TARA cable that isn't too expensive and still sounds like a million bucks, look at the ISM The Two.


wow; incredible does not do your system justice...I am just floored with the quality of all your components; and can not even imagine how good it must sound. Nor can I imagine the cost involved of putting it all together...good for you! I have MBL 111'es; and just started running them with Bryston 28sst amps; which is proving to be a good fit. I have MIT magnum speaker and interconnects; and want to move up in quality on my cables. If I can't afford the Tara Zero/gold line; what other options might produce similiar sonic benefits; at more real world pricing?

What type of music do you enjoy;and is your main source the MBL transport and dac? any thoughts of music server; or hi-rez sources?
Wish I could re-create your set up; but I am enjoying my modest set up and want to tweak a bit. Thanks for the great post; looking forward to your comments.


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