

I built this room over the last 4 months with my 70 year old father. It was really great bonding time. I will cherish the time spent doing this forever.  We are not carpenters and prior to this not even weekend warriors, nonetheless, we went for it.  My room material choices and "room within a room" were inspired from the studio builders on the Gearslutz Pro Audio Community.  

This is a partial room within a room. The walls are double wall construction, each 2" x 4" wall frame is insulated with Roxul Safe and Sound Insulation, there is a 6" air gap between the frames. The ceiling is not floating. I did not want to loose the height. The outer layers of the walls are 3/4" pine + 1/2" pine + 3/4" pine shiplap.  The ceiling is 3/4" pine + 1/2" pine + 3/4" southern heart pine planks.   

I am very settled with my equipment finally. 


Room Details

Dimensions: 24’ × 17’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • SME 20/12

    The road here:

    Oracle Delphi, Brinkman Balance, Kodo - The Beat, Garrard 301, Oswald Mill Audio Lenco, TW Acoustic Raven AC-3 and Hanss T-20
    • Schroder Tonearms The Reference SQ in Snakewood
    The Schroder is very natural sounding tonearm when dialed in.  Admittedly, it is a challenging set up to get the most out of it.  For a few reasons, it is capable of so much and the set up variables interact to a greater degree with one another than the other arms I have experienced. This is a blessing in the end, but it does makes set up take a few months with a new cartridge.  

    The road here:

    DaVinci Grandezza Referece Vitru, Reed 2p, SME V, SME 3012s, Jelco, Orgin Live Conqueror, Tri-planar 
    • Koetsu Jade Signature Platinum
    My settings:  VTF at 1.86 while loaded at 100 ohms 

    The road here:

    Koetsu Coralstone, Koetsu Azule, Lyra Olympos SL, Air Tight PC-1, Air Tight Supreme, Ortofon Spu, Ortofon A90, Mayabi 47, DaVinci Grandezza Grand Reference Supreme, Benz Ruby 3, EMT TSD 15, Lyra Kleos, Miyajima Laboratory Madake, Miyjima Laboratory Shilabe 
    • Audio Note (UK) Lexus Interconnect (RCA)
    All interconnects
    • RPG Acoustical Systems Diffractal
    • Acoustic Revive RWL-3 Acoustic Conditioner
    • ATS Acoustics Applegate Acoustical Cotton Batts
    Used with GIK Acoustic - DIY Frames

    I preferred these to Roxul Safe and Sound, Owens Corning 703 and Acoustic Revive RWL-3 panels at my first and second reflection points. They have just he right touch - in my room.   
    • Mogami 3104 Speaker Cable
    A  cable that gets out of the way.
    • Sony VPL- XW6000ES
    Native 4k SXRD Laser Projector
    • Panasonic UB9000P1K
    4K Ultra Blu-Ray player
    • JL Audio Fathom F113 Powered Subwoofer
    Used for theater only
    • Sonus Faber Il Cremonese
    Amazing Speakers!!!
    • Sonus Faber Lumina V
    Two pair used as surround speakers in home theater.
    • Brinkmann Nyquist II DAC
    • Roon Nucleus +
    • Audio Note UK Jinro Integrated Amplifier
    Pure Class A Single Ended valve amplifier.  I use wonderful RCA 211 tubes.
    • Koetsu Wajima
    I prefer this to my Koetsu Jade. 

    I load at 100 ohms and use a VTF of 1.86
    • McIntosh MX123 A/V Processor

Comments 14

How are you enjoying the ill cremonese? Do you think they would work in a 14 x 22 room with 8 foot ceilings? Looks like your room is very quiet it's really nice


Thanks for sharing. I can only imagine the depth of satisfaction you must have listening in that room knowing you and your father together created. Here’s wishing you many wonderful hours in your space. Cheers.





Hello Paul,

Thank you for the compliment about my room and gear.   I viewed your room as well, I am a fan of your choices. 

The Doshi Jhor amps with EL34 tubes are very nice, great midrange as you would expect in an EL34 tube amp.  Nice bass and treble, though it does not have ultimate bass control or frequency extension. The EL34 tube has character that is always present whereas the KT150 tube does not editorialize.  If one does not want editorializing than the KT150 tube is superior.

I think the Doshi 3.0 amps with KT150 tubes amp are exceptional and capable of ultimate tonality, control and transparency. They are more refined and sonically complete then the best SET amps that I have owned.  I know that seems impossible, but it is true.  


I love your room and your gear!  

I've read a lot of good things about KT150's which it appears your Doshi monoblocks are sporting.   How do they compare to the EL34 based Jhor's?  I jump between two vintage amps, one driven by EL34's and the other a quad of 300B's putting out a surprisingly powerful 32 wpc.

It's very high praise to state the Harbeth 40.2's are your "desert island speaker" especially given the prestigious line up of speakers you've owned.

I'm on my second pair of 40.1's after foolishly selling my first pair about five years ago to try something "different" based upon an unsolicited suggestion from another Audiogoner.   Lesson learned... I'm keeping them!


Hello Mike

I did not take any measurements of the room.  I am not a measurement and specs type of audiophile.  I use and trust my ears to evaluate all things related to my audio room.   I have moved the panels around for months, added and subtracted panels and I continue to experiment with speaker location and listening position. 



Hi David: Nice set up.  Did you take any measurements of the room (REW) to identify/ locate the acoustic room treatments you added?



Hello Paul,

Thank you for the kind words. I look forward to a visit from you when your schedule allows. 

Hello Pops,

Thank you for the compliment about my gear and room. 



Beautiful room, looks very comfortable.  Nice job with your system also.


Looks great David
Looking forward to hearing and seeing all the working you have done.


Hello Chris,

Thank you for the compliment.  I hope you are doing well also.

Hello Don, 

The Tontrager speaker stands are definitely nice product.  I am pleased with the build quality, looks and sonics.  I thought I was done, but a friend brought over reel to reel this weekend, I am certain I am now not done. I have heard tape at shows, but never in my own room, tape is really amazing. 

Hello Jond,

Thank you for the compliment.  I checked out your system page; you have a smart pairing of products.  I bet it sounds great!


David, looks great!  Hope all is well.


Very nice David, and how great that you did this with your Dad. The Tortrager rack is not only good looking, but a very functional, and well though out design. We never want to use the word done in this hobby, but I think it's safe to say you have arrived. Cheers -Don


Awesome system! I am in awe of both the system, the room you and your dad built and your road there. The road there of speakers is like a greatest hits of speakers I've lusted after! Congrats on getting to your desert island it looks great!


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