
Hi to all of you music lover

Before you continue to reed!

In the first place I.m a music lover following a big passion which in High End terms we would describe as chasing the holy grail!

I,m not a retailer or anything like that!

It just happens to be that I,m a Genesis speaker lover with years of listening experience of various Genesis speakers in various living rooms. Plus a few other excellent speaker make ( I moved a lot, believe me..:) more pics will follow!

I,m far from being a tech whizz in terms of electronics and physics!

I like to play around though but I still keep a good balance between insanity and keeping my feet on the ground!

(after all, I,m also a father of two, pretty cool kids..:)

I,m also a tube guy, simply because I like the way it sounds and the way they run! Periot! They seem to run and run and changing tubes is actually fun!!!

I also admit I like the looks too:)

The only transistors are found in my digital part of the system!

I also would love to add a turntable BIG TIME! but I got no descend space!!!

As a former watch maker I just love the mechanics of these turntables and arms!

I certainly must love the sound too...!

I started buying LP,s again anyway:)

I follow Audiogon quite a while now and was always impressed by the numbers of cool and good sounding systems found out there, posted by men and women!

I will come up with more and much better pics soon!

Pls, forgive me if I take my time in updating the page somtimes:)



Components Toggle details

    • Genesis Technologies G-201
    actual speaker set up
    • Levinson No 31.5
    not always trouble free combo, but good sounding! Periot!
    • Balanced Audio VK-60 mono
    I am a big fan of BAT an find the VK 60 monos together with the Vk 5i very impressive in the way the produce mid range! Still today folks!
    • my other hobby... 747-400F
    UAEmirates round trip

Comments 3


I once had a pair of von Schweikert VR6 and could think of the bigger VR9 being as impressive in tonality and soundstage!
I would love to listen to many more speakers of this size.
No way the perfect speaker exist and never will, but all big systems have their own sound (good and bad) and are interesting to experience and compare.
One thing I like about my speakers though!
The Genesis 201 has this great advantage of controlling the low frequency in volume, low and high pass and phase with a handy,solid build remote control!

So many times I run into rec,s with way too much low frequencies
and it sounds awful in most listening rooms!
After all who has a 9 meter long listen room to fully extract 16hz wave lenght!

Right now I,m fortunate to experiment with sound panels and absorbers!
So far my emotions noticed a change in depth and size of sound stage.
Pls allow me some time, but I need more listening hrs to make more precise




Nice looking system with a selection of fine audio pieces.
I'm sure it sounds great. What speakers would you compare to the Genesis 201's?


System edited: more pics


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