Room Details

Dimensions: 17’ × 13’  Medium
Ceiling: 7’

Components Toggle details

    • JAYS AUDIO CDT-2 mk2
    • Denafrips Terminator
    • Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.3
    • Aric Audio 300B SET Monoblocks
    Aric built me a custom pair of 300B monoblocks utilizing C3G input/driver tubes with tube regulated power supplies. Hashimoto transformers, silver internal wiring, WBT speaker and RCA posts, Furutech NCF IEC and more in custom bird's eye maple chassis with rosewood. 
    • Klipsch LaScala AL5
    • Audio Envy SP 9 Speaker Cables
    • Audio Envy IC’s and Powercords
    • Perfect Path Technologies Omega E-Mats and cards, Total Contact
    • Perfect Path Technologies The Gate
    • Gutwire Ultimate Grounding Cables
    • IsoAcoustics Orea Isolation Footers
    • PI Audio Group Uberbuss
    • Symposium Rollerblocks and platforms
    • Mapleshade Maple Platform
    • ADD-POWR Wizard

Comments 16

Mac that may be the caviest man cave I've seen on here! Very dark and immersive amazing job on the room and treatments. Some great looking gear too I bet it sounds amazing!


No I didn't Dave. I had the Enzo's with the Kismets but switched to tubes before getting the DI's. I'm running the DI's with the one watt Linear Tube Audio MZ2 and loving it.


Curious if you ever gave the Kismet monoblocks on the Double Impacts pre-tube switch?


Hi Russ,

I'd be more than happy to allow you and your buddy hear the DI's. They're not only fun to listen to but to share with others also. Weekdays during the day are best for me, let me know what is good for you two. 

I plan on ordering the MZ2-S and ZOTL 40 this year so I'd love to hear the MZ2-S. I sold the Legacy Focus SE's last fall to make room for the DI's. I think your friend will,b impressed with them. Terry's review of the DI's couldn't have been more glowing or accurate......along with the LTA components. 

Talk to you soon and have fun at Axpona,

Tom.......aka Mac


Hi Mac,

Russ Glide here. Just stumbled across this post and see you are close. I am in Harrison Twp.

 I am a friend of Terry London's ( actually just got off the phone with him as we are going to his house on out way to Axpona).  I  have a buddy who would love to hear the DI ( He is selling his Legacy Focus 20/20 Signature)  if you could arrange a short listening session? I could bring over my MicrZotl2S  if you would like to hear it in your system.

Let me know if that would work. Very flexible on time . During the day also works.

Thanks for the consideration,



Cymbob, the Torii is a very nice amp and 95%+ of the time it pleases me greatly. These Tektons are rated 98.6 sensitive but that's at 4 ohm which makes it a more difficult load, especially for tube amps. So while the DI's are efficient I find them a bit more difficult to drive than the Enzo's I had. I'll be going with the Linear Tube Audio ZOTL 40 that Terry London used in reviewing the DI's, you might want to check it out. I'll either keep the Torii for another system or give it to my son since he has my old Enzo's. Good luck.


Mac, can you share your thoughts about the Torii IV?  It's an amp that I have long fancied, but if it doesn't have the grunt for those very-efficient Tektons, then I can cross it off my list.


Thanks tbromgard. I've had the DI's for 6 months now......they are serial numbers 1&2 so they're the oldest pair!

You're welcome to stop over to listen and talk audio lynott. It's always fun meeting other likeminded audio......nuts. Lol


It is indeed a small world! I'm from Livonia, to be specific. 

I was one of the charter members of SMAC, which now has something like 350+ members.

Yeah, we ought to start an Audiogon Michigan chapter. :) I'm always down to meet fellow 'philes!


Sweet double impacts - must be new


Small world, Beverly Hills here. Not a member of the audio club but have met a couple of local Agoners and have come across two more. One of them has the DI's also. Might have to start a local Agoners club!



I was reading the A-gon thread on the Double Impacts and noticed that you're from Michigan. I am too! Suburbs of Detroit. Are you by any chance a member of SMAC (Southeast Michigan Audio Club)?

I'm always amazed when I meet a Michigan audiophile, but I guess I shouldn't be. I've discovered that there are a lot more of us than I initially thought!


The DI's are listed at 98.6 sensitivity with a 4 ohm impedence. Don't know what the impedence curve looks like or what the min and max impedence is. The ZOTL 40 will give me 51 watts into 4 ohms and that should be plenty. I've talked with a number of ZOTL 40 owners and they all love I'm looming forward to getting one....or two.


I've read very good things about the ZOTL 40, so you're probably in for a treat!

What's the sensitivity and impedance curve of the DIs look like?


Thanks lynott, the Double Impacts are very impressive and are capable of moving a lot of air but I need a more powerful amp to get the most from them. The Linear Tube Audio ZOTL 40 amp is coming soon!


Very cool setup, Mac! I'd like to hear those Double Impacts. They must pressurize that room quite nicely. :)


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