
I've just recently upgrade my system, and believe I'm done. There are still some small tweeks I would like to purchase, but I believe I will take a break. I would like to thank all the people that have helped me here at Audio Gone with this upgrade. They have all been a great help and a pleasure to do business with. The system sounds really good. I do still want to find some dampening devices for my cd player. I have posted questions about them, but only heard from dealers. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Other than that, I'm very happy with my new system.

Components Toggle details

    • Wolcott Presence 220 Tube Monoblock Amps
    220 Watt Mono blocks they are the newer version with improved circuit boards and the wide band transformers and upgraded tubes. Awesome amps for Electrostatic speakers. Big time bass and beautiful midrange.
    • Martin Logan Prodigy
    Mahagany Finish
    • Wadia 850 GNS Statement Upgrade
    Great Northern Sound Statement Upgrade
    • Placette Audio Active Linestage
    Used to replace the Wadia's digital volume control.
    • ExactPower EP-15A
    CONDITIONER and VOLTAGE REGENERATOR,I have done many upgrade's to this on my own.
    • Omega Mikro Planar V Active LCX
    Used from wadia to the Placette Audio RVC
    • PURIST AUDIO DESIGN Dominus Rev.C Power Cord
    used on wadia cd player
    For the ExactPower EP-15A I run My CDP and speakers through this
    • PURIST AUDIO DESIGN Venustus Speaker cable
    1.5 meter Bi- wire
    • PURIST AUDIO DESIGN Venustus RCA Interconnect
    1.5 meter Rca
    • Electraglide Ultra Khan Statement II revised/revelation
    5 ft, used On Wolcott amp
    • Electraglide Ultra Khan Statement II revised/revelation
    2 meter, used On Wolcott amp
    • Elrod EPS-3 Power Cord
    6 ft used on the Martin Logan Prodigy speakers.
    • Elrod EPS-3 power cord
    6 ft used on the Martin Logan Prodigy speakers.
    • Audiodharma 2.5 cable cooker
    This is a great piece to burn in all your cables. And do a periodic recharge of all the system's cabling every 3 months or so.
    • Mapleshade HeavyHat Ultimate Triplepoints
    Used on the ExactPower EP-15A
    • Walker Audio SST Silver Treatment
    All i can say about this stuff is WOW!! it really does work! I use it on all my tube pins and all of my systems cables
    • Romex ( Dedicated line ) 10 Gauge
    Dedicated line with a cryoed Hubbel outlet
    • ASC Sound Panels
    4 used on the front wall facing the speakers
    • Michael Green's RoomTune
    Tunning kit
    • Hubbel cryoed outlets
    cryoed Hubbel outlets. I replaced 3 in the ExactPower EP-15A. I each for the amp, Cdp and speakers .
    • SR COMPOSITES SRX-WS Carbon Cones
    Replaced the stock Wadia feet for the SRX-WS Carbon Cones. Great Northern Sound Upgrade.
    • K Works Iso Feet
    The feet are Used with homemade mono block amp stands. The stands and Iso feet combo are GREAT and very inexpensive.
    • Vantage point SKU Stereo stand
    3 shelf
    • Pinco Old Ceramic Insulators
    I use these to keep speaker wire and power cords off the ground.
    • Golden Sound Golden Pad
    Used under the ExactPower EP-15A and ExactPower SP15A
    • Granite Slab 1'
    I have Dyna Mat on both sides of this and is used under the CDP. Works really good.

Comments 19

Nice system. Sorry to heard you have to move to a smaller room and get rid of most of it.

I have myself Martin Logan / Prodigy speakers ("a never ending story"). I am soon moving to a smaller room also. Any recommendation on the distance to the wall ?
Another point : have you heard any impact on the speakers by changing the electric chord ?

Thank you for your help,



Looks like a great system. What have you done in terms of parting it out now? Also, out of sheer interest, who makes that beer fridge? As a beginning audiophile myself, I find a nice cool beer to be an integral part of my listening enjoyment. Best of luck and cheers to you!


System is in the process of being broke up.
I have moved and the new house will have a LOT smaller room.
I need to come up with some new ideas on a smaller scale.
ANY help will be greatly appreciated.
I know I need to get smaller speakers and the Wolcott amps will probably over kill too.
I will keep the Wadia and Eaxctpower unit and some cables but speakers and amps need to go.


System edited: I took the Bybee Slipstream RCA Magic Bullets out and put the Placette Audio RVC in the system.


Great system. My thoughts are with you. Hope everyone rides it out OK


I do to. I hope all of you residing in Florida make it through safely with as minimal damage as possible. Stay safe.


System edited: New pictures I have just taken because of hurricane Frances. Hope it looks the same in a couple of days??


What happened to your Cardas cables? Do you still recommend the Golden Cross for a digital source?
Nice setup!


The website is:

I have one of his isolation platforms under my Linn LP12 and the improvement is astonishing. And it keeps getting better as the platform settles.


Oops. The rest of my text disappeared. They are using his products. You may want to look at his website. I thinl that it is


Brian, there is a guy in Chicago named Joe Lovrencik who has a company called Critical Mass. Steve Huntley and Judd Barber are both using hà


Thanks for the Elrod suggestion. I have had 1 in my system before with the pass X350 amp and loved it!! But right now I have tube mono blocks and need 2 power cords for my amp's and with the price of 2 Elrods 1600.00 used plus it is a little more than I want to spend. My wife would kill me as I have spent allot recently and she has been VERY supportive so I don't want to push it! I have new speaker cable coming thanks to her! I am also testing some Omega Mikro active power cords on my amp's both the (RED ) version on loan from a friend with a AWESOME system! and love the hell out off them!! As much as I like the omega Mikros, I will probably have to pass as he wants 1200.00 or so. As I get closer to the end I see myself with less $$ spend ,as I am sure allot of people find themselves. I want and want but have to be sensible! I have spent allot on certain things which I consider main stays in my system so I must cut back some were?? Again thanks for your response but I will have to look for something a little more affordable right now!! I do want to say this,to anyone wanting to and that can afford to spend the $$ on a ELROD I would not think twice about it, this power cord is EVERYTHING and MORE then what you may have read or think. It is totally awesome!! maybe some day again.
I would like to say thanks to Anthony at Aberdeen Components he has help me audition cables ( Elrods,Nordost and so on) and has ALWAYS given me a fair price!! Thanks Anthony!!
Sorry to blabber on but I do thank you for your input,but wanted to let you know I have been there and I hope some day I will again!!
regards Brian


No way you will ever be done, the fun is just getting started now. I'll tell you what, why don't you have an Agon Party and we'll all come over and drink you beer and listen to your system to give you a better evaluation! I like the drink your beer part the best myself. Anyway, get some Elrod Sig 3 power cords on them there amps for starters, and then drink some more beer! Let me know when the party starts and as always, Happy Listening my friend!


Your system is most impressive. I agree with the others on the room treatment. Diffusers behind your speakers (expensive but probably best) or absorption behind them (less money but not as good) would be a good start.


If you're an obsessive/compulsive like many audio dudes, then you're never done! That is why so much gear is listed for sale here on Audiogon on other sites.


Great looking system, Congratulations!. You're done alright, for now...


I'ld really like to hear the Wolcott's with the Prodigy--I'll bet it's great. I've heard the Prodigy many times and I've heard the Wolcotts--mostly with Soundlabs. However--you aren't done (sorry). You're room??? First thing to start with and last thing to think about--and with planars. Well, it is an occupational hazard of ours, but seriously--work on the room you will get so much more out of the system.


Thanks for your response. I was looking at some ECHO busters for the rear walls and the front, and also looking at a few other options. I put a couple towels behind each speaker just to see if it helped anything, and was really surprised at the difference it made. I'm also trying to find information on other panels. The ECHO busters seemed to be a good option, but when I submitted my room to them for a quote, they came back with a price of $3500. That's a little more than I want to spend on room correction. I'm open to any suggestions people may have. As far as the brew is concerned, the Killians keg is gone; on to Amstel light now. Again, thanks for your response.


Congratulations, ain't done till you drink that brew. I guarantee it will help with "your" vibrations problem.

Are you getting a lot of reflection from that wall where your system is? Have you considered any treatments for it? Sides?


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