This is my first system. Bought it after hearing it at a friend's home. I think may be the loudspeakers are a bit overkill for the rest of the system. The power cords and conditioner really make a diference. I really like my system.
I have had Proac 3.8 speakers for a year now and I am totally satisfied. My search for speakers has ended ... these speakers will be with me for many many years.... great with any type of music ...simply fantastic !
Hi Zephyr24069, The room layout is different now .... I have built a custom granite stand and bought a large carpet. They really made a change in sound. Increased focus and stage deepness, not by small margin. I will post some new pictures ....
Very nice system...happy listening! You might want to try moving the glass (plexiglass?) coffee table out from in front of the listening position. You might be surprised at the results. I had similar experience with both glass+steel and wooden coffee tables once I moved them to the side of the couch; those flat smooth surfaces have some interesting and not entirely desired reflective properties. The same holds for the flat panel display between your speakers. FWIW, I don't think those speakers are overkill as they are the last important link that puts music into the room. If you like how they image, their bass, mid and treble response, and their musicality then you should keep them and simply enjoy!