
  • After many trials and tribulations and lost dollars I have finally assembled a system that transports me in the concert hall or recording studio and stirs up emotion and makes me say – Wow!  My only limitation with having a hi-end system in a swank modern DC Condominium  is not having a dedicated listening room to fully enjoy and maximize the capability of the system or to do the tweaks necessary to get the best out of the system. Nevertheless I have overcome these challenges – even the WAF and have a system that is integrated into the houses decorum and allows me to hear into the music and gives me joy.  Here is my system along with a few pictures.

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 18’  X large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Tidal Audio Agoria Platinum Special Edition (SE) Speakers
    With silver edition crossover upgrade - only 3 in world with this option - priceless. Added Stillpoint Ultra 5 Footers which took the sound to another level.
    • REL Acoustics Carbon Special Subwoofers - Qty 2
    Awesome Subwoofers that takes my sound to a live performance
    • Symphonic Line 40th Anniversary Kraft 300MK3A Monoblocks
    300 Watt Pure Class A Amplifiers - Not well known but can compete and blow away many hi-end amplifiers
    • Symphonic Line Erleuchtung Reference Mk3 HD Tube Preamplifier w/Turbo Reference Power Supply
    Awesome Sounding Tube Preamplifier - Probably the most transformational component in the system that can be modified with rolling tubes to your liking.
    • Acoustic Signature Ascona Neo Turntable
    Best Turntable I’ve ever owned - exceeds my digital system which says a lot.
    • Acoustic Signature TA-7000 Tonearm - Gold Plated
    • DS Audio Grand Master Optical Cartridge
    • DS Audio Master 3 Optical Phono Preamplifier/Equalizer
    • DS Audio Ionizer
    • Otari Reel to Reel MX-5050 BII-2
    • Technics RS-1500U Reel to Reel (Gold Edition) modified by J-Corder Luxury Audio
    • Taiko Audio SGM Extreme Server w/USB Card/NIC/XDMS
    Phenomenal Server that is in another class from previous Innuos Statement server.  Helps to bring my Digital to almost equal of my Analogue rig.  XDMS Software upgrade is a game changer
    • dCS Vivaldi One APEX Digital Player/DAC System
    Digitial Playback System /All-In-One SACD/CD Player, Streamer, DAC and Upsampler.
    • dCS Vivaldi Master Clock
    • Synergistic Research Ethernet Switch UEF
    • Inakustik 4500P Power Conditioner
    • Synergistic Research Black Box - Low Frequency Resonator Array
    • Synergistic Research FEQ Carbon/FEQ Carbon Tuning Modules
    Two-channel Acoustic Field Generator
    • Synergistic Research Master and Purple Fuses
    All Components
    • Nordost Odin 2 Reference Supreme Interconnects and Power Cords;
    Odin 2 Power Cords and Interconnects
    • Nordost Valhalla 2 USB Cable
    • SOtM dCBL-CAT7 Ethernet Lan Cable (Qty 2)
    Connect DAC and Server to Ethernet Switch and from Switch to Modem.
    • SOtM dCBL-BNC Cable (Qty 3)
    Used to connect Clocks to dCS DAC
    • Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner Record Cleaning Machine
    • Symposium Acoustics Ultra Foundation Doublewide Rack and Amp Stands

Comments 22

Lovely, lovely room and system.  Well-done, Jon!


Thanks Thyname


An astonishing system! Congratulations!


Hello Jonaiken,

Like you, I have upgraded from Innuos Zenith SE to Zenith Statement.  You are going to be so happy!  Enjoy!



Jeff,  hands down the Tidal Speakers have made the biggest difference in transforming the music being reproduced into my home.  Music is more real as if the artist are playing in the room or at least gives me a sense of what was recorded in the studio or concert hall.  With that said the Tidals will only produce what is being sent to them.  Care has been given to choosing components which are neutral, provide all the detail and have the transparency to allow for a full view to see/hear where the musicians/vocalist are within the soundstage and to provide timbral accuracy of the voices and instruments.  My system is not perfect but I enjoy what I hear.



You have so much excellent gear
What components made the biggest difference in the sound?

I've always thought Tidal speakers sounded superb.



Aniwolfe,  Thanks,  I sit ten or twelve feet away from my speakers dependent on my mood and my speakers are 7 feet apart from each other and the front baffle is 3 ft from the front wall and almost 4ft from the side walls.  I get great imaging and soundstage recreation  in my room.  Alta speakers need room to breathe - especially my Titanium Hestia’s to get the bass right.  The sound is unbelievable if you set them up right.  Enjoy


Nice system. I recently got the Alta Rhea's speakers. 
I know all rooms are different, but I was wondering how far you sit from your speakers and what is the distant between to the 2 speakers from inner side to inner side? Thanks


Thanks Vern, I am totally intrigued by the sound and look of the Progression amps based on a recent audition with the Wilson Alexia 2’s, which is an awesome combination. I will let you know soon.


Hi Jon, I made it over to your page to check out your system. You have a fantastic system. I think you will be happy when you audition the Progression amp. I really liked the Ref 250SE (on loan) and they are fantastic and mate well with the Ref10. I can say without a doubt that the Ref 10 and Progressions match up very well. I'm not the only one to try this from what I have seen. They are exactly what I wanted and needed. Solid state amps but tube like and control and slam I have never heard or had in my system before!. I will be curious as to what your observations and opinions are after listening.



Thanks VPN.  The Innuos ZENith SE is a great server.  The only bad thing it is being replaced and I just got mine.  After reviewing your system you have equally achieved high marks in putting your system together and it looks great.  Good Listening



Hello Jonaiken,  

Congrats! Great system!  You have a lot of great equipment there!

Nice to see a fellow Innuos Zenith SE owner.




Wow!  Beautiful system and, maybe more, beautiful room! As you might imagine, I think you've made excellent choices! I'd love to hear your speakers- they look great and must be special for you to have made the switch. Great job!


I love them - more transparent, detailed and 3D sonically than the ML 15A's. They disappear in my room and the musician come alive as if they are in the room with me.


how are those Alta's ?

kineticaudio the way, I'll be using this with the Plinius M-14 phono pre, Chapter Audio pre-power and Magnapan 3.6.


Nice system (and room). Great taste you have there. I also own the HRX turntable, but with a Graham 2.2 on it. I'm thinking of upgrading to the newest Graham Phantom iii, since I'm already set up for it (separate armboard). How are you liking your Tranfiguration cartridge? I admit I am at a loss as to what cartridge to go for, whether I opt for the Graham or VPI arms (!2" in either case). Any advice? Thanks, and nice system again.



Southernlord262,  Great eyes, Yes they were old pictures I have updated the pictures to reflect the current system.......although more changes are coming


Where oh where is the fabled HRX? Are these old pictures?


Dear. Congratulation, great system.
I can see in the 3rd picture, Blu Ray Player Oppo with 2 TUBES??? I will appreciate to know that are these 2 valves. Some modification? Improvement? Tks.


In less than two years I went from a Denon Receiver driving Martin Logan Electromotion ESL speakers to my current system.  Now I am selling my Martin Logan Montis Speakers. Hate to see the Montis go - great speakers - but hello Martin Logan Renaissance - phenomenal.  Checkout my Montis for sale if you want a great speaker system


In less than two years I went from a Denon Receiver driving Martin Logan Electromotion ESL speakers to my current system.  Now I am selling my Martin Logan Montis Speakers. Hate to see the Montis go - great speakers - but hello Martin Logan Renaissance - phenomenal.  Checkout my Montis for sale if you want a great speaker system


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