

Components Toggle details

    • Krell KCT
    • Linn Linn
    Unidisk 1.1
    • Krell FPB-700cx
    power beast - needs at least 20 amps to itself...
    • B&W Nautilus 802D
    • Velodyne HGS-15
    On BrightStar BigRock base with BrightStar LittleRock on top.
    • Siltech CAST
    better than stock Krell Cast.
    • Nordost Valhalla
    2.0 meter biwired with Nordost Genius connections at speaker end.
    • PS Audio P-600
    updated with MW-II

Comments 17

Hate to break it to you, but unless you forgot to upload the new pictures, or you uploaded them and they didn't upload correctly because of technical problems, those aren't the newer 802D speakers. I should know, I own a pair!


It is 100% SURE that the picture here are B&W version without Diamond tweeter, you can see it at the lower part of the speaker.


I agree with some of the earlier observation. I don't think the speakers in the picture is the diamond series. Notice how the tweeter sits on top. It's indented into the head molding. The diamond series don't have the indentation.


I was wondering the B&Ws in your pictures are they really the Diamond Version.
I was studing the tweeer and the base.
The New 802 D have a Cast Iron connection to the body of the Speaker base, your appear to be wood.


Hi B-dud gang, Has or is anyone using the spikes from B&W on the new 802D'S. I just upgraded from the N802's to the 802D series, i had the N802's on some sound anchor stands, and they seem to make a very noticable difference from the original casters on the bottoms of the N802's. Unfortunately sound anchor or anyone else has not made any stands for the new D series (yet) so i wanted to hear from someone who has experienced the spkrs. with the B&W spikes.
Thanks in advance,


did you get the new 802D??
how do they compare to the old 802Ns?
p.s. update your pics ;-)


I don't have any experience with Martin Logan speakers so couldn't say whether HDL's would benefit them. The cable lifters came from


Hi Krello

May I ask what those white cable lifters are under your Valhalla? Where might I obtain something similar?


John Carter


Krello: I have Krell amps with Valhalla cables to Martin Logan clsIIz. In your opinion would the Walker help electrostats too?

I have my speakers resting on Aurios 1.2 and the Martin Logan etc spikes.

I used to own older 802's. I found them very nice indeed.


Carlos - I highly recommend the SoundAnchors for the 802's. In addition, they are "floated" on Aurios Pros.

In the last two weeks I have added two pairs of Walker High Definition Links to the speaker binding posts. These are the most startling improvement I have yet to hear. The soundstage is deepened and the imaging is very focused.


Very nice setup! I was wondering if you could comment on the effect the Sound Anchors had on the Nautili. I own a pair myself, and have considered the Sound anchors as a method of enhancing their sound. Did it mellow the sound or make it more detailed and analytical? I am trying to make mine a little more mellow in the treble, as it can get hairy on some recordings/setups. Thanks in advance, Carlos


Nice, very nice.....simple, powerful, and clean! I agree, the "cx" series is right on.


My sources have largely been fellow Audiogoners. The airplanes are just one more passion. The velodyne sub really augments the 802's lower end nicely. Haven't tried stereo subs but might someday. After trying numerous Krell and Levinson amps, The new Krell "cx" series is astounding!


Very nice Krello. did you really need the subwoofer for that set up?


What is your source? Oh and man I love airplanes too. Wanted to become a pilot with the AF untill my sight went to crap. With all the old planes are you a retired pilot? If so I'd love to chat so send me an email.
Happy holiday


The best sound, Jk


The best what?


Showing all 17 posts