
Got into music and audio in junior high school. I have been chasing a musically involving system till now. Did the Big speakers-big power; Filled a system with "Rave Review All-stars"; Took Digital as far as my wallet would allow. Not happy. Then I found tubes. Then I retook the vinyl plunge. Then I found Jeffrey Catalano, High Water Sound. I am in the land of pieces that work together; in the land of low power, high efficiency , vinyl and tube bliss. I am now ecstatic and loving the amazing music that fills my home. Thanks to everyone whom has helped me on this musical journey, but Jeff you are the Man!!!! and truly brought it home.

Components Toggle details

    • TW Acustic Raven 2
    Thomas from TW makes amazing TTs in Germany. This is a go to your grave piece of audio heaven!
    • Ortofon 309S 12
    Ortofon Wood Headshell
    • TW Acustic Raven 10.5
    TW's first arm and it's a Winner! Amazed of were it took my TT. Beautifully plays my stereo vinyl.
    • Ortofon Cadenza Black
    Went from a Lyra Skala to the Black. Was concerned...Not any more. Everything sounds more real with the Ortofon..The Black Wins!!!
    • Miyajima Laboratory Premium BE Mono
    Do I need a Mono set up? Can I afford it? Now I can not live without it! Wow Amazing! On a Search for more Mono vinyl!
    • TW Acustic AC- 3 Input- Motor Controller
    Come on Upgraded Motor Controller does it matter? Wow! it matters! Don't think about it, just do it!
    • Audia Flight Flight Phono MC/MC
    Italian WOW! 2 inputs. Solid State dead quiet with Tube like presence and liveliness! Wow!
    • Pure Sound L300
    I am a tube guy and this thing has a 300B sticking out of the top. 10 tubes in all. Had 2 AR Pres, a Cary SLP-05 & an Artemis Labs L-1. Call High Water Sound and get a Pure Sound!
    • Border Patrol SE300B
    8 watt Class A.  300B .. Gary Dews...Mr. Power Supply, building great sounding gear in MD.  Highly recommend.
    • Aspara HL-1
    Horn Speakers. When they are done well they are tough to beat. I was glad to trade my Wilsons for these. Have never looked back.
    • Argento Serenity
    Silver from Denmark. Great stuff
    • Argento Serenity
    Silver from Denmark. Lots of choices, glad to have these.
    • Silent Running Audio VR 3.0
    Isolation Platforms under every piece. In my system these are not a tweak nor an option. Maybe more important then your cables.
    • Mio Culture Sound Diffusor
    Saw in an airport while traveling.  Philadelphia company recycled cardboard sound diffusers.  Look good and works.

Comments 7

Hi Scott-
Congrats on an awesome system.


You have developed a very nice system based on a sound foundation/philosophy. Low power amp with efficient speakers is a good choice. High Water Sound is an excellent resource with Jeff's guidance. I've always heard good sound in his rooms at various shows over the years.



Nice to see some photo's here. I really like your DIY room treatments.
Keep enjoying those records.


Again, congratulations. You have a common story and now with a happy ending, or should I say, beginning.
Happy Holidays!


Live out in Oregon Wine Country, Sherwood/Newberg area.
I might know some people in the Portland Audio Society but I am not a member or attend events. I should look into it.

Have a great holiday.



Congrats on a fine looking system!
Whereabouts in Oregon are you?



You've put together a wonderful system you can be proud of, with an undoubtedly great match of components.

I came to much the same place, but had to use far less resources. It's still a magical sound, with SET 300B main amp, and low power First Watt reserve amp. Back to vinyl, too, vintage Garrard for me.

Do you live near Portland, or know any of the Portland Audio Society guys?

Best regards, happy holidays,


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