This is what I've got going for me so far. The Talons Audio Perigrines are awesome - they lock into my room like no other speaker has. I now have an Audiomecca Mephisto IIX transport which replaces the Krell 300CD player. My trusty Krell KSA 250S has been replaced with a pair of Nagra PMAs, ans a Tact Audio RCS 2.0S rounds out the system. More pictures will come soon.
My girlfriend sold off her system before moving in with me. Since we had nearly identical systems there was no use in keeping both. We might have kept both if they were different systems that would have offered some sort of variety.
Well, my girlfriend HAD the exact same system except as noted above. She now lives with me and we sold off her entire system except for the Audiomeca transport because Audiomeca won't fix them any more. With some of the money she got for her system we upgraded mine with the addition of the Nagra monos.
Marriage? It's bad enough she's nagging me about - now I've got total strangers saying the same thing!! lol
The sound of the PMA's was immediately noticeable in the bass - nothing really matches Krell when it comes to bass reproduction. However, there is a big improvement in detail and imaging.
My girlfriend has the exact same system I have with the exception of the digital cable and amplifier. She even uses the same Tact room correction curve I use. She has an Edge amp and the sound was more detailed than my Krell system but mine was more lush and had better bass.
The PMA's are sort of in between the two in that they have more detail than the Krell but after listening to PMA's the Edge almost sounds a tad bright in comparison. Bright might not be the best word to use - lets say the highs on the Edge seem slightly elevated compared to the PMAs with the PMAs sounding more natural.
The Tact room correction system made a great improvement in imaging and sound staging the speakers disappeared. The PMAs take that one step further with more and more CDs now imaging better than before. Music that was once focused near the speaker is now more spread out.
The PMAs seem to need about an hour of playing time to sound their best. Simply turning the on and listening to them wont give a true representation of what they can do.
Overall, I like them and theyre staying in my system.
After living through many speaker changes - from 4 Martin Logan speakers all the way to Dunlavy SC/IVs - I've finally found a speaker that's a great match for my room in the Talon Perigrine. It sounds great.