
I started this hobby about 3 years ago and have been gradually tweaking it, along with my own listening preferences. I realized that music is a true passion of mine. I am also a jazz vocalist on the side, and have performed at quite a few large venues in the PA/GA area.

I recently ordered a Cayin A-88T full tube integrated amplifier. It hasn't arrived yet, but once it does, I will be sure to include a review. This amp has received glowing praise across the forums, and I love the aesthetics. Plus, I think there's something about the ultra rich, liquid midrange that's characteristic of tube amps that appeals to me. Despite the 87db/watt sensitivity of my NHTs, I've read about several people driving much less sensitive speakers with this amp and no complaints. I've listened to the A-50T, but not the A-88T. This would be my 3rd "faith-based" purchase (the NHT's were the 1st, Music Hall DAC 25.2 was the 2nd)

I'll stick by my conviction that the NHT Classic Three's are absolutely fantastic at this price point. Imaging is spot on, with very articulate and well defined bass. There were many occasions when I'd have Ella playing in the background and I'd have a double take since it sounded like she was in the room. After listening to nearly a dozen other far more expensive speakers (floorstanding to bookshelf), I've decided to just keep these for now. I really feel that I'm getting into the diminishing returns "red-zone" if I upgrade. Plus, my modest listening space wouldn't do the Spire's any justice.

Going to all lossless files on iTunes also made a significant difference in sound quality. I'm using a simple USB cable from my computer to the DAC, in lieu of going analog out to RCA into the AMP. I think this also helped with the imaging and expanding the soundstage.

Components Toggle details

    • Acoustic Research RCA
    Mid-range 1M RCA from DAC to Amp
    • Apple Mac Mini
    I use this as my music server with iTunes running ALAC lossless files.
    • MusicHall DAC 25.2
    Tube output DAC with USB input
    • NAD 325BEE
    50 wpc Integrated Amplifier
    • N H T Classic Three
    Three-way mini-monitor
    • Blue Jeans Cable 10 AWG, Bannana Termination
    After doing some digging and research, I've decided to not waste money on expensive speaker cable with snake-oil claims, and go with the highly regarded BJC with more than enough gauge for my modest runs.
    • Wireworld Ultraviolet USB
    Hi-Fi USB Cable, silver innards, gold plated

Comments 10

Nice system! I was wondering if anyone had paired NHT Classics with NAD and iTunes and I haven't seen many posts with the pairings. Did you try any of the other NHT speakers before you chose the Threes?



Thanks for the reply. Great information and very helpful. I may just have to give the NHTs a try.

It's interesting that you have listened to the C1. I've been very interested in that speaker as well. I may go to a local dealer and check them out. From everything I've read on them it sounds like you need lots of power and drive to get the most out of them.

Thanks again for the reply and taking the time.




cool system! I have the same DAC and found GREAT improvements upgrading the op amps (to opa2134) and tube (to phillips 6922). Marbles under the feet tightened up the response a bit. Give them a try ~$25 in parts


System edited: Just sold my subwoofer. Now, I'm running the speakers straight to the amp. I do notice slightly more clarity and resolution. Perhaps, it was the internal crossover in the sub (running speaker-level inputs) that degraded the sound ever so slightly.


System edited: I just got a nice little USB cable from Wireworld. Many folks have said this one has a good improvement in sound quality. I'm still skeptical, but given the fact that my old cable was from a USB printer, and that this new cable was free (and looks cool), I can't really complain ;) Now only I had my DAC back from the shop...


Cvumd- True, I dislike the way the power cables are laid out, but they will have to be like that for now. I may try to put something in front of that space, like a smaller bookshelf.


Great system congrats, perhaps you could try to hide the power cord to the left of the TV, the X, it looks messy and distracting imo.



The NAD/NHT C3 combo is delicious. I spent about a month demo-ing many different high-end brands and speaker types (B&W, Totem, Nola, Vienna Acoustics, Sonus Faber, etc...) on the MA6600. Sure, it sounded good, but not 7x better. No where close. Long story short, after making sure I had all my music in lossless encoding, tweaking my Mac and iTunes settings (courtesy of, getting an outboard DAC, and repositioning my speakers, I had damn good sound. Imaging was DEAD on. Holographic, transparent, gorgeous. Plenty of bass too.

As for weaknesses...they're a pain to keep dust free :) Seriously, perhaps, when compared to ML Spires, they don't have quite the level of "realness" and image size, or soundstage. But then again, they are a fraction of the cost. I tried and tried to find a bookshelf that would be the next logical step up, but found that for my room size and listening preferences (Jazz, R&B), I couldn't find one. I liked the Dynaudio C1's (I got up to this level...mind you), but on the Luxman Class A integrated (and $10K speaker cables), I still was not blown away. I'll keep these speakers till I die. Even if I do go the ESL route, they will become my office system, along with the NAD integrated.

As for my choice to go tube? Meh...just for fun :)


System edited: I've recently decided not to go the McIntosh route (or Spires for that matter). There were too many bad reviews about reliability with the MA6600 firmware for my comfort. Plus, I'd be buying from a dealer on another coast, so returns would be impractical. The Spires wouldn't be justly served in my modest listening space. Plus, my dealer no longer stocks them, so I'd have to buy elsewhere and be at the mercy of whatever retail price they go for. Instead, I'm very close to pulling the trigger on a new Cayin A-88T full-tube integrated. I've read all the reviews and posts about this amp, and so far I'm impressed. I've demoed the A-50T and I liked what I heard. Build quality was fantastic and the price is much less than the Mac I was considering.


Great system. I bet it does sound wonderful. I've got the NAD 325BEE and c542 cdp. I've been thinking about getting the NHT Classic Three. Would you mind giving your impressions of the NAD/NHT combo, strengths/weaknesses etc. Thanks for your time.




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