
With an addition on my house, I was able to custom outfit a living area as a home theatre/music listening area. I previously had this system in a downstairs area, but it was not quite as comfortable and well integrated. The new room is much more comfortable, the wall screen presents a much nicer image, and I now have the projector ceiling mounted and away from the backs of viewers heads. I was also able to run speaker cable for the rear speakers and have wall jack binding posts installed along with an A/C outlet in the ceiling for the projector. I originally had my turntable and a couple other components in the system, but have ultimately streamlined and simplified. I even pulled the Pass Labs X2.5 pre-amp out and am using the bypass mode on the Primare for 2-channel. Not quite as nice as the Pass pre, but VERY close in performance. A more low key (but still very nice) system on the main floor is home to the turntable in a different listening environment. Overall, this is a great sounding system that serves HT and 2-channel nicely. The ATC/Pass Labs set-up is highly dynamic and pretty huge sounding, though eminently musical and delicate when necessary. I'm able to fully fulfill my inner film-buff AND enjoy great sound. Cheers!

Components Toggle details

    • Camelot Technology Roundtable Mk II
    DVD and CD player; very nice 2-channel playback (using Swiss Anagram DACs and 24/192 upsampling) in addition to a quality video presentation.
    • Primare SP31.7 Pre/Processor
    Home theatre processor/pre-amp. Nice, musical presentation for surround sound movie viewing in addition to serving as a great 2-channel preamplifier.
    • Pass Labs X150.5
    Two channel amplifier for main speakers.
    • Pass Labs X-3
    Three channel amplifier for center channel and rear surround speakers.
    • ATC SCM-20tsl
    Main speakers; great for movies AND music.
    • ATC SCM-20sl Center
    Matching center channel for ATC front/mains. GREAT and very dynamic center channel speaker.
    • ATC SCM-7
    Nice little monitors that round out the ATC system lineup; serving duty as rear surround speakers.
    • REL Acoustics Strata mkIII
    A big black cube handling bass duties, courtesy of REL. Deep and musical; worthy of its rep.
    • Sound Applications XE-12s
    Line conditioner for the system.
    • Acoustic Zen Satori
    Speaker cable for mains and center channel, along with matching Satori jumpers.
    • Wasatch Cable Works 105-U
    Interconnects for entire system with the exception of the center channel, which uses an Audioquest Python interconnect
    • Sonoran Plateau
    Power cords in use on both amplifiers.
    • Wasatch Cable Works PC-805
    Power cord for Camelot Roundtable.
    • Tekline PC-5
    Power cord for the Primare Processor; good value...probably gonna get a Sonoran to match up though.
    • Yamaha LPX-500
    Video projector.
    • Carada Precision Series Screen
    • Porter Port A/C outlets
    Installed for the audio gear and the ceiling plug for the video projector.

Comments 4

I've looked at the other ATC speakers up the chain and would like an opportunity to listen to them, but haven't seriously considered making the change. The system sounds great currently and, with the matched center, is quite well integrated. Not to mention...those speakers are expensive! I have considered the notion of their active speakers as this would simplify things immensely and actually would be somewhat cost effective. I'd have to hear the active speakes to be convinced though...


nice system you got there. are you considering changing your main speakers for some other ATC model?


Hey Albert...

Well, ya' know..I'd be glad to have an esteemed A'goner such as yourself over to the Shoeshine Cinema. If you're ever in Michigan...

As you probably noted, I've got your Porter Ports in place in my system. I am not able to make a proper comparison to the Pass & Seymour outlets I was previously using since this is a completely different room and listening environment and the Porter Ports have been in from Day 1. That aside, I trust that they're doing their job as advertised. Everything is certainly looking and sounding good. That much I do know.

Enjoy the holiday!


Looks great, when am I coming for a movie and drinks?


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