
Entente cordiale : Fine French CD player and speakers, powered by a massive British amp.

Ultimate ... until Cabasse launches a 4 way coaxial system.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Aero Mk II
    • Cabasse Kara
    Home-friendly version of the Atlantis speaker. Improved medium and tweeter. Still as lively as the previous version, but much more depth, tighter bass and mid-bass, precision in the tweeter and a much sweeter medium.
    • Musical Fidelity Trivista 300
    • van den Hul 102-mk3

Comments 8

Hello Niemeu; I have the Cabasse Catalane, maybe now that the 4 way huge spheres are out you will sell me your Kara speakers ;-) I am using a REL Stentor subwoofer and it is amazing, I am also using Leak 12 watt Tube Amps, I bought the speakers because I loved the tweeters! The mids cover almost all the female voice register so the highs come out really soft... (the devil to break in, worst that lowthers)
I also project on the white wall behind the speakers! Do try the sub you wont regret it!!!


You are right about the tweeters, I got rid of the grilles now. The speakers are about 5 feet away from the back wall.
For the amp, I thought about buying a tube amp but I need a bullet proof amp in a baby-friendly environmnent!


I am very familiar with the Kara speakers and think that they do many things right, particularly with respect to creating a believeable soundstage with depth and they are coherent. They work very well with tubed amplifiers. The tweeter (or should I say the portion of the coaxial driver that covers the highs is probably the weakest part of the speaker. Three suggestions: i) they benefit from being moved out into the room, ii) they also benefit from removing the grill covering the coaxial driver ( more open, transparent and extended and iii) they benefit from use of a subwooder particularly their own Saturn A55.


I really like speakers with great aesthetic appeal, especially if they perform as well as they look. Not sure about having a loveseat between the speakers, but I wouldn't mind if those were my feet in the pic!


System edited: Changed the Cabasse amplifiers which could not drive the Kara and which had to be serviced every two days. The MF Trivista has all the power needed and is built like a rock.


Be Corteus and ask the two monks to have a sit at the sofa,also put your feet down!.............just kiddin , enjoy


two monks,nice & simple system move the sofa and put youre system on the middle thats great.

enjoy listening.


Impressively simple system and very tastefully setup. I haven't heard your speakers before, but it sounds like you love them. Happy Listening!


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