
pass labs

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    • Marantz dv-7600
    The DV-7600 plays CD, SACD, DVD-Audio and DVD-Video. This player is the best-sounding universal disc player for under a grand. Whether you listen to 2 channel stereo or Multi-Channel Surround Sound, the DV-7600 has you covered. Marantz has included all the audiophile touches, like their proprietary HDAM Analog Output Stages for all channels, a double-layered bottom chassis, a thoroughly isolated transport, upgraded audiophile DAC chipsets, Marantz “Pure Direct” mode for audio-only playback, bass management for both SACD and DVD-Audio and a detachable power cord. This player is an excellent CD player and SACD and DVD-A playback are icing on the cake
    • Cayin a-88t
    ...What struck me right away was the Cayin's immediacy - a lifelike quality that was nearly like the sound of a single-ended-triode (SET) amp. (The Mac MC-275 is like that, too)...There was another similarity between the A-88T and the MC-275: ballsy bass. The Cayin's bass was exceptionally well controlled and extended for a tube amp. When a tube amp gets bass right, it gets it very right - ripe, rich, full-bodied. The Cayin did. I do like tight bottom ends...This amp was silent. There was very little background noise, either - a bugaboo with some tube amps (and solid-state models, too). For $1889-$1995, the Cayin A-88T's price, design, build quality, and sound are looks beautiful, and it looks beautifully built.
    • Focal Profile 908
    The Profile spirit shines in the appearance of the 908: advanced technologies, innovation at all levels, but also beauty in the curves and compact size. Musical and aesthetic, the Profile 908 expresses a great
    • Strightwire Cable Maestro
    Maestro II, the reference coated copper cable, opens the door to unsurpassed resolution. Supermicroporus Foam Teflon insulation exhibits extraordinary bass tonality with effortless dynamics. Level 4 research and technology abound in this highly evolved, award-winning design. Interfaces highly neutral components synergistically. Available in twin symmetrical coaxial version, BMI specifically designed for balanced use. XLR (balanced termination available)
    • Straightwire Cable Maestro
    Maestro II, with Supermicroporus Foam Teflon insulation in a Symmetrical Coaxial design, paints one of the most expansive, precisely defined soundstages available. Ideal for ultra pure systems which require critical resolution, Maestro II leaves no detail to chance. A recommended classic.
    The latest addition to Shunyata's award winning line-up of power cords, theVenommay be inexpensive, but this is no budget cable. Made from 12 gauge high-grade copper conductors, cryogenically treated with 100% coverage aluminum foil shield for EMI/RFI rejection and custom manufactured connectors this extremely flexible, great sounding power cord will give you a taste of what Shunyata
    • Pass Labs int250

Comments 13

Pass Labs X150.5
Audio Research LS 2 line stage preamplifier
Mogami Balanced XLR
Musical Fidelity A3.5 CD
Peachtree Audio iDac
Totem Hawks, Thiel CS3.5, Dahlquist DQ10
I'm pretty well done for now, except for cables which I'm slowly looking to make uniform.


Complete re-vamp of my own which should last a while
Pass Labs X150.5 solid state amp
Rogue 66 Tube preamplifier
Musical Fidelity A3.5 CD player
Peachtree Audio iDac
Project Turntable
Cullen Power Cords, Mogami speaker cables/Kimber Kable 8tc
Speakers: Thiel CS3.5, Dahlquist DQ10, Measowlark American Eagle
I listen to the Thiels mostly.


I wanted to pipe in and agree with Daveyf. Experimention with speaker placement will be the next important step after the system has played for a little while. I think that you will want adequate space between the two speakers and proper alignment and distance from the rear wall. I am constantly surpirsed how much of a differnce this makes and really recommend that you spend an hour or two making this a top priority. Do not get discouraged; keep persisting until your really happy with the sound. And use that measuring tape!!!


Not a problem. I have been in audio for about 10 years now. My present system is a HT/2ch because of lack of space. I really want to have both and I think I can have my cake and eat it too. But I would love to be able to have a totally separate audio system. It is obvious that you did it right. You pieced together a very good first system IMO. Now the journey begins.


Hi Mike, thanks for your kind remarks on my 3-piece guarneri system. that speaker is the cornerstone of my listening and I am also relatively new to audio. I have been told it will apparently open up with 10k worth of electronics, which I have not yet had the chance (will!?) to invest. I'm glad you also share my approach on simplicity. I find too many systems, IMHO, emphasize getting the latest, newest, greatest, which distracts from pure listening. My preference: great CDP, great integrated Amp, great pair of monitors.

That is funny about "all out assault" (!) usually the only systems in that category have $250+k of gear :)


"Get started" will be a better place.


I do not know if is in the right place. First time in a forum like this, If I belong somewhere else. please guide me to it. I will appreaciate your opinion thanks


All out Assault ?

Is this under the right place.....


Thank you Daveyf. That's what I do everytime I listen to music, I pull them to the front. And you are completely right about placing the system in a different wall. I just don't have another place to have it. that will be another fight with the Boss ( wife) ....thank you for time. I will be looking forward for another opinion.


Cm071678, you might want to experiment with pulling the speakers further into the room and seperating them as much as possible. Pulling speakers away from room boundaries is usually a good idea if possible. Perhaps even putting the system on a different wall in order to allow this to happen.
Just a thought.


The joy of a new system. I have yet to hear a JM speaker that did not like tubes.


Thank you Mikeduke,
I am very impressed that someone took the time to look at my system, Thank you again, and yes the cayin is awesome, actually my system is only 1 week old. and I come everynight and turn it on to do the so called "break in"...


That's a nice setup you got there. I have heard Cayin before and really liked it. Don't see many profile's. I have the 1027B'es. But I am sure that they are very fine speakers. A sweet looking first setup.


Showing all 13 posts