
What started as an intial try at actual good stereo sound has evolved a couple times.

I've settled on the Simaudio/Dynaudio combination with some very decent results.

Components Toggle details

    • Simaudio Moon I-3
    100W Intergrated Amplifier
    • Simaudio Moon Equinox
    cd player / black
    • Benchmark DAC1
    1/2-width DA converter. Excellent sound
    • Dynaudio Contour S 1.4
    Danish 2-way monitor speakers. Very good soundstaging and clarity. Amazingly good at conveying high-end detail without sounding harsh or fatiguing. Very easy to listen to for long periods.
    • Sunfire Solitaire 10

Comments 6

Great system. I just bought a pair of Triangle Comete ES speakers - they should arrive later this week. Did you have those before the S1.4? I auditioned the Focus 140 and really liked them but preferred the super open dynamics of the Comete so opted for them to match with my CJ MV55 tube amp. It will be my experimental second system.

I would love to hear more comments on how you feel the 1.4s compare to the Comete ES. Thanks!



Thanks for the comments.

The Sim Equinox certainly is a wonderful CD player. But it's just not a fair comparison to the Benchmark. From what I can tell, the Sim just tends to sound a little "dark" compared to the DAC1. While I know it's somewhat heresy to reduce the equinox to a transport, the Benchmark really does open up some detail in the recording. At a loss of a better description, it sounds a little more "open" than the sim's output.

With that said, the Sim's sound was actually a better match with the Triangle Comete ES (which tend to be a little "hot" if you're sitting in the sweet spot). But, with the Dynaudio Contours, the details really come through in the Benchmark DAC1. I've been doing A/B tests for several weeks now, and I keep coming back to the DAC.

Speaking of Hi-Fi heresy: I just hooked up the Apple Airport Express to the DAC1's optical input and am now using my laptop to stream Lossless-encoded files to the system. The Express actually seems to be quite a decent "transport" since it has a built-in jitter buffer (about one second's worth, it seems) to compensate for the ethernet/802.11 jitter. In combination with the DAC1, the bitstream seems damn near bullet-proof -- and I certainly can't hear the difference between that and the coax input from the Sim Equinox.

Aah. Geek heaven. :)


Dude you have succeeded! A very nice and well balanced system. Just curious though, do you really think the Sim Equinox needs a dac? I have heard that the Benchmark is a great dac and I've also hear the Sim is a great dc player, wondering what your thoughts are?


System edited: Updated speakers and added photos.


Thanks, Hooper.

So far, I'm very happy with the sound. The one observation is that the Triangle Comete ES speakers deliver an amazing amount of detail -- but they're very sensitive to their sources/amplification. My dealer cautioned me that I needed to drive them with a quality amp. A couple weeks of listening to them on my Denon 2102 receiver(that I still use for home theater stuff) quickly drove me to the Simaudio for 2-channel listening. The I-3's direct preamp-input (A4) makes it easy to integrate with the Denon's L/R output for DVD watching.

And you're definitely right about the Benchmark DAC1: It's truly amazing how much more detailed the Benchmark sounds -- even compared to the Equinox player.

The latest turn:
I hooked up my computer (which is currently driving the TV for DVDs, etc) to the Benchmark DAC1 via an optical TOSlink cable (the Equinox outputs on S/PDIF copper). Now, iTunes lossless-encoded music is indistinguishable from the CD output.


Quite a nice attempt! All very high-value gear. The Benchmark is especially good. My friend has one, and I'm consistently blown away by how good it sounds for the price. Where do you plan to go from here?


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