
I have a better description saved elsewhere, but i am changing this up...i need opinions on whether this room works color wise, and I would like opinions on whether the speakers are ugly or not...i can change the aesthetics...but need ideas...

Components Toggle details

    • Audiosource Inc. Amp 300-Stellar Labs 470
    I have 4 of these one for each driver on my speaker...i plan to upgrade of these days
    • DIY Mine
    4-way, Fountek NeoPro 5i, PHL 1120, AE Speakers Lambada TD15M x 4 in a custom box
    • Ready Traps Bass Panel Sand/Sand
    Just got some used from the 'gon, cant wait to tame some of the nodes
    • Behringer dcx 2496 and deq 2496
    To handle realtime EQ and crossover...still working on fine tuning the speaker with these...

Comments 19

lol maybe that would work better


A short separation?


my wife and I came to a compromise...i'll be back in about 1-2months to update everything


The best money I ever spent was on an interior designer. He taught me what good taste and quality was in the home. We spend thousands of dollars on high tech electronics and do not spend money on ambience, i.e, when you walk into a room in your home, the design and style makes you want to stay in it. It welcomes you. The taste and style to make yourself and others feel welcome by design and color can be learned from a professional.



we have a projector screen recessed in the ceiling for movie watching, the tv is stuck inside the nook, if i move the tv out, it would create a huge empty space in the nook. i do like your idea's nissan, i'll see about painting this weekend if not the next...


the tv needs to be symetrical (on mantle)the electronics should have the entire opening,change the red to a darker color,and the speakers should blend well,also black an white pictures help offset bold colors............


FWIW I like Nissancrazy's ideas.


As an part time interior designer I would suggest that you lose the red and go with a neutral color, something that picks up one of the colors from the stone around the fireplace, this will balance and pull together the whole room. Ultimately the speaker color is up to up but a nice gloss black will blend then into the entire picture, while I love the blue, great statement, it may not be everyones 'cup o tea' and does lend itself to being very catchy with regards to the eye.

Just an aside, attempt to get the TV up over the fireplace and centered in the opening you have, it would look great there.

Best of luck.


You know once you put books, objects, cd's etc into the shelf space, there will be a lot less red and you'll just have a great accent colour left. It's a very dramatic look overall and I think with some accents and the rug a previous poster mentioned tying it all together, this could be a great room. Dare to be bold!


the weird thing is, it wasn't till we painted our house that this became an issue...apparently we have a "grown-up's" house so we cant have "ugly" stuff, like room treatments, speakers that you can see, etc...i think i liked it better when everything was white...

Elf, Samhar, i was actually thinking of repainting the red accent...maybe its makes people angry...i do like the muted tones of contrast in your room samhar...but i think i might lean towards a muted blue grey to accent the speakers without drawing too much attention to the color itself

Lloydc, wow wrong side of the bed much? why even bother posting...


Dude...if the wife lets you get away with the audio gear without a hassle let her pick any color she wants. Don't worry, both be happy.


Nice mouldings, nice room. I like your speakers as well.

If it was my room, I'd be tempted to do the room in either a light or darker saturated green, the mouldings and trim in high gloss white, and the inside of the shelves either in another green (closely matched), or eggshell white.

Color may clash with your speakers but will go well with the stone work. And your speakers can be front and center.

Give it "pop" as the kids say.

Home Depot has good color combinations..

Or go to Chapters, look up a book called "Apartment Therapy" and read the section on colors... something like 80% either warm or cool, and the other 20% the opposite.


Hi, I have always liked primary colors, I had a house with a rich navy wall and a dark red wall similar to your red, in the same room and it looked great. I find primary colors work very well with natural stone and leather furniture.

I would change the ceiling fan for a nice dark wood finished one, get a large turkish kind of rug with the dark reds and dark blues in it so as to tie in the speakers to the walls, and to the rest of the room. I would fill the shelves with books too. What I do is push some books in and pull some out of the shelves, and it works very well as a diffuser. Lastly I would get some dark natural leather Natuzzi leather furniture. Oh, and I would hang the tv above the fireplace, and get some nice heavy curtains in the same red, maybe velvet like in an old theatre, that you could pull over the tv when you are listening to music. I would play around with the lighting too, the lighting of a room can have a drastic impact on the mood of a room.


Do you have typical male color blindness? I am sorry to be less than gracious in saying this, but you asked: no one with any aesthetic sense or awareness would choose the combination of colors in this room. It follows that you are not seeing these colors as others do. You must follow your wife's lead in such matters even more than most. I hope you consult with her on clothing.


I have similar colors combo but toned way down by comparison. I think the provocativeness of the blue is necessary with the brightness of the red. Also I see the blue appears darker most of the time as does the blue of my speakers.


Our opinions don't matter...but you knew that already.

Good luck with whatever the wife decides is best.


my wife doesnt like the design/color...she thinks it clashes and is overpowering...i like that...needless to say, I'm okay with painting them or the room...thoughts? if its fine, let me know as well, i actually like the contrast of the blue with red.


Very nice looking speakers!!! The room is beautiful too!!!


System edited: Just got them back from painting...i decided on Porsche cobalt blue


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