
I've spent a long time - since 1980, building this particular system.

Some days are diamonds and some days are stones, not always the system can be faulted, but I know when it's me that's out of tune.

I've been very lucky to have some Audio Dealers who were willing to let me audition stuff in my home.

Which to me is where it counts.

My wife tells me it's because I spend so much money with them - can that be true?

Components Toggle details

    • Meridian 602
    Meridian 602 player modified & upgraded by Audiocom
    • Meridian 606.7
    Meridian 606 DAC modified and upgraded by Audiocom.
    • Audio Research LS-2 mkII
    ARC LS Reference 2 Mk2
    • Audio Research Classic-120
    2xARC Classic 120's. 2xARC Classic 150's.Modified with Pabst motoren,Germany, type 4840n fans, hard wired mains cables & G.E. 6550A valves. Bi-amped through powered cross-over. 120's feed subwoofers, 150's feed electrostatic panels.
    • Audio Research Classic-150
    2xARC Classic 150's.Modified with Pabst motoren,Germany, type 4840n fans, hard wired mains cables & G.E. 6550A valves. Bi-amped through powered cross-over. 120's feed subwoofers, 150's feed electrostatic panels.
    • Gradient SW-63
    Quad ELS63 mounted on Gradient SW63 subwoofers.
    • Quad U S A ESL-63
    Quad ELS63's, repanelled and upgraded by Quad Music Gewerke, Germany
    • Kimber Select KS
    Kimber Select KS 1130 balanced interconnects between Gradient cross-over, pre, power amps & between C.D.& DAC and pre-amp.
    • Deltec Black Slink
    1xpair, 3metres Deltec Black Slink speaker cables.
    1xpair, 3.5metresDeltec Black Slink speaker cables
    1xpair, 7metres Black Slink speaker cables
    • Russ Andrews Power Blocks
    Russ Andrews wall sockets and Nordost Brahma power cables with Russ Andrews Power connectors. Separate earthing cables.
    • Nordost Brahma
    Nordost Brahma power cables with Russ Andrews Power connectors. Separate earthing cables.

Comments 2

The achilles heel of the Quad/Gradient subs is the gradient s.s. crossover and its wall wart power supply. Keep meaning to ask someone to do a valve one for me. IMO, subs are needed if you listen to Opera or large scale classical works, otherwise the depth is not there.


Does the intergration with the Gradient and Quads work wellI heard some rebuilt 63's and loved the midrange, but not sure if would work well with all the music I listen to
Thank you


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