I had my first system at the age of nine, my father didn't appreciate my passion for audio at that time. Since then many things have changed and I finally ended up with this system.
You can see on the same shelf two masters of the art of sound reproduction: Kondo and Dissanayake. The first needs no introduction while probably you never have heard about the second.
Well folks, let me tell you that I would never have achieved the same results in truth of timbre, reality of 3D acoustic image and easyness of emission without the discovery of Dissanayake Kamasutra preamplifier, a truly work of art.
I previously have had in my system Kondo M7 tube silver, Kondo M10, Audio Tekne TFM9201b and many more but none of them can even reach the pinnacles or sum of performances of Dissanayake Kamasutra. I'm sure about that. Ah! Obviously this is my experience with my system.