
Moved away from SS amps and went to a tube based system front and center is the Viva Solistino  845 SET IA rated at 18wpc of pure class A power. The Viva is driving the Daedalus Argos speakers with no problems it has plenty of slam, nuance, great sound stage and uncanny imaging.  The DAC is a Lampizator Atlantic TRP, upgraded to include a VC,  which is also tube based and adds richness to the sound of the system.

The server is the Aurender N-100H and I also like to spin CDs, from time to time, and have the Cambridge CXC transport. All cables are Cardas Cygnus and Pangea power cords. 

Replaced the JL E-112;s with a pair of REL S/510's subs in an effort to get better integration with my main speakers, and I believe the REL's achieved this end. The subs with my speakers do sound very good. 


Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Viva Audio Solistino IA
    18W Integrated Amp.
    • Daedalus Audio Argos
    • Lampizator Atlantic TRP w/VC
    High quality DAC, recently upgraded to a TRP and latter on upgraded to add the VC.
    • Aurender N-200
    This is a great server..very happy with it!
    • Cambridge Audio CXC Transport
    Dedicated transport to be used with the external DAC.
    • Furman DM-15 i
    Furman power conditioner
    • Cardas Audio Clear Cygnus Speaker Cable 3M
    • Cardas Audio Clear Cygnus Interconnects 1M
    • Panga Power cords 14SE
    Great entry power cord.
    • REL Acoustics REL Carbon Special pair
    A pair of 10in REL Subs
    • Cardas Audio Clear SPDIF 1M

Comments 9

do you still have the rythmik subs?  
i'm considering 2 f12Gs myself to add to spendor D7 towers.   if you decided to take them out of your system it would be interesting to understand why.  thanks


Sold the Modwright DAC....Starting a new search for a replacement.


I posted a mini review on Audio Circle which I described the difference between the Accuton vs the Scan Speak bass least to me. Check it out and let me know if you have additional questions.


Hi, please could you describe the sound diferences between an accuton driver vs a polyprophilene (if i am not wrong)? wich one you find more real, natural?
btw, nice system!


Added Modwright Elyse DAC


Added second Rythmik F-12G sub.



Yes, the sub been in the system since April. And yes it is a very nice addition. The sub was much easier to integrate than what I had expected and a welcome improvement on the lower end. Adding a second sub is a definite yes...hopefully by years end.


Is it the Rythmik F12G sub that you just added? Excellent choice for a music system, isn't it? Are you going to add a second, for stereo subs?


System edited: Forgot some items.


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