
My main rig is a complete Kyocera 910 set-up. This was Kyocera's reference series in the early 1980s, with the sonics and build quality to go to toe with any of the big boys--and priced accordingly. The series was a flop in the marketplace, but it wasn't for lack of quality.

I liked the sonics, design, and rarity of these compenents and set about putting together the complete set. It took me a few years, until earlier this week when my PL-910 arrived.

I haven't had time yet to mount the SME III tonearm. In the meantime, I am using my JVC QL-Y66f with an SAE 1000LT cartridge. I plan on keeping the JVC in the rig as sometimes you just want the ease of an automatic table.

The DA-910 is really more for completion's sake, as my digital listening is via Mac mini into the MHDT Paradisea.

I will get some full-system pics up later in the week.

Components Toggle details

    • Kyocera DA-910
    Kyocera's second CD player, after, the DA-01.
    • MHDT Paradisea +
    NOS tube-buffered DAC
    • Kyocera PL-910
    Rare gem
    • SME 3009 mkIII
    Soon to be mounted
    • JVC JVC QL-Y66f
    Direct drive beauty
    • Kyocera C-910
    Kyocera's reference preamp
    • Kyocera B-910
    60+ pound Borg Cube
    • Salk Songtower QWT
    Curly walnut with full baffles, built by Jim Salk.
    • Kyocera T-910
    Prettiest digital tuner ever?
    • SAE 1000LT
    MC made by Coral

Comments 1

very nice system--will look forward to seeing pics. i'm also a kyocera fan--they were making great stuff in the 80s just as the others (marantz, pioneer, etc.) were sinking into mediocrity. i've never heard their separates (though i've owned several iterations of receiver/integrated)--i imagine they still sound good.


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