
Finally updated my virtual system after significant downsizing due to retirement and relocation to a condo.  My system is currently set up in a partially finished walk out basement in which the space is currently shared with an office area, seating area with couch and chairs for casual entertaining, and a nook with my Roland electronic drum kit.  This system which is composed of mostly Ayre electronics, though I recently added a Pass X350.5 amp, and Verity Parsifal Encores has never sounded better despite being relegated to one corner of the basement.  The only downside is intermittent noise from HVAC but when I totally finish the space that noise will be significantly muted.

Room Details

Dimensions: 18’ × 20’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Verity Audio Parsifal Encore
    main speakers
    • Meridian 508.24
    Used as transport only
    • Musetec DA-005
    • Ayre Acoustics K-1xe
    • Ayre Acoustics P-5xe
    phono stage
    • Pass Labs X350.5
    • Zavfino Fusion Balanced IC
    • Triode Wire Labs American Speaker Cables
    • Linn LP-12 Sondek Ittok Arm
    • Linn Troika
    • Zoethecus Z slab shelves

Comments 2

Thanks Dan. It works for me......for now!


Very nice audio first system. My wife keeps asking when I'm putting video in my "get-a-way." So far, I've been able to resist, but your setup and viewing choices make it look very temping.


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