
Hours and hours of enjoyment.

Components Toggle details

    • Acoustic Signature Manfred
    Solid, great motor and bearing
    • Origen Live Illustrious
    very good tonearm
    • Shelter 501 MK ll
    Good MC cartridge.
    • Ah! Tjoeb 4000
    Upsampler installed. A CD player I can live with. Gets little use though.
    • Valve Amplification Company Vintage mkII (debadged)
    With MM and wonderful MC VAC factory installed.
    • Valve Amplification Company PA 100/100
    An excellent KT88 tube amp.
    • Vandersteen Subwoofer 2w
    The addition of this sub transformed system and gave the lovely Spendors the bottom end punch they lacked. One works great, maybe someday I will get a 2nd.
    • Spendor S8
    Lovely clean easy on the ears sound.
    • ZU Varial
    Zu Varial
    • Speltz Anti Cables
    Having had many cables over 30 years, I find these to be amazing especially as they are so inexpensive and I love to be able to route them how I want.
    • Zu BOK
    Zu Bok Power Cables.
    • VPI Record Vacuum 16.5
    26 years of continuous use!
    • Maple wood turntable platform
    4 inch maple platform suspended with Mapleshade Isoblocks.
    • Black Diamond Racing pyramid cones
    Carbon fiber isolation cones under source components, because Arthur S said to.
    • Walker Audio SST contact enhancer
    a must
    • Walker Audio Prelude
    clean x 3
    • Prelude Steamer
    very worth it.

Comments 3

Nice, simple, clean setup. I bet it sounds great.


Are you using the Iron Audio platter on top of, or in place of the stock glass platter? I would like to upgrade my IIX, and you have given me some great ideas. Thanks, Shawn


Would love to read your comments on the VAC gear in your system. Post some pics if you can. Glen


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