
This is my system ive been building for about two years. I first started with B&W 802d's and all mcintosh gear. I am very happy with my current system, but there is room for improvements. I am looking at upgrading the interconnects and possibly a preamp, but For now i think it sounds great! Any opinions or suggestions are welcome!

Components Toggle details

    • Krell Evolution 505
    SACD/CD player
    • McIntosh C2200
    Mcintosh Preamp
    • VTL MB-450
    Great monoblock amp
    • Wilson Audio Puppy 8
    Puppy 8's in diamond black
    • Harmonic Technology Magic link II
    Temporary interconnects for now.
    • Synergistic Research Apex Tesla
    One of the newest cables offered by SR. Great speaker cables
    • VTL 7.5 II
    VTL Pre amp 7.5 II

Comments 5

Hey my room is about 15 wide 25 length, i recently put up room treatments. So far I love my wp 8's!


Hi I was curius what your room dimensions are and how the WP 8s are working out for you? I noticed that you aren't using much in the way of room treatments unless they are out of the picture in the back.


Fun combination of various brands of top gear. I always enjoy the matching of different components. Sometimes different flavors bring out the best in a meal or in music.


Hey, the system does sound great from comparisons with other systems i have heard around my area. Before my VTL's i had Mcintosh 501 monoblocks amps, although they sounded good i noticed a big difference when i replaced them with the VTL's. The difference i found was that with the VTl's the sound was clearer and more powerful. As far as the Krell cd player, we tested back to back with a EMM labs CDSA and found that the Krell was significantly better. Im no expert in this field so i dont know exactly how to explain the differences.



Bet the system sounds great, plenty of detail from the Krell and the warmth of tubes. While the VTL's are wonderful, have you ever considered a McIntosh amp to complement the C2200?


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