
Dedicated listening room 17 X 35 X 9.

Room Details

Dimensions: 35’ × 17’  X large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • TW Acoustic Raven One
    Even the
    • Graham Engineering Phantom
    Version 2
    • Lyra Etna Lambda
    • Air Tight PC-1
    low output mc
    • Aric Audio Motherlode XL
    Fully balanced version of the Motherlode preamp, 6SN7 based
    • Aric Audio Super KT Parallel Monoblocks
    Currently using EL34 output tubes
    • Sonus Faber Stradivari
    • Transparent Audio Reference wires all around
    • Mapleshade Sampson Rack
    36" with 4 shelves.
    • Adept Response Audience 6
    6 outlet power conditioner. All sources, preamp and amp plugged in.
    • Aric Audio MC/MM phono stage

Comments 21

Lot’s of Aric equipment! Sure is a nice guy and dedicated to his craft.


The best isolation is to get that table off that floor


Love your system, Dave, but I see you were in touch with Mark (Stiltskin), a few years ago. We exchanged emails several times a month, then he dropped off the face of the earth.

I'm just wondering if you've heard from him, it always makes you wonder what happened with someone that just vanishes like that.

Thanks, and regards,


When I initially responded to this post, the W/P 8s were running middle ground for my system. The Sashas have usurped that position, and have delivered performance in spades. The PBN Denalis were also replaced by Lamm M1.2s powering the venerable Sashas. All is right in the world now.

- Wilson Audio Sashas

- Lamm M1.2 Reference Mono amps

- dCS Delius

- dCS Purcell

- Richard Gray Power Company 1200S

- Transparent Audio Reference XLR ICs (MM1)

- Transparent Audio Reference Spkr Cable (MM1)

- Grand Prix Audio Monaco Modular Rack w/ Apex footers (4 shelf version)

- ReQuest Media Server (5,000 songs & 300 Movies)

- SRA VR-series IsoBase for each Lamm mono

- Spike Spotters - spike/floor interface by Cerimax

Future upgrades:

- Lamm L2 Reference Preamp
- HRS SXR isolation rack
- Transparent Audio Reference upgrade for all cables to XLMM2
- Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 RCA IC for the Lamm L2 (already purchased in preparation for the L2 arrival)


I'm a little late to the party, but wanted to weigh in. Stunning set-up. Although I covet the Sashas, I'm not in a position to acquire them just yet. I have their predecessors - the WP8s. My front end, the incomparable DCS Delius & DCS Purcell, is fed by a media server which holds 300 movies & 500 CDs. The WP8s are currently driven by PBN Denali Amps (900W into 4 ohms). I'm looking to replace the amps with Lammas M1.1s or M1.2s. How do the Lamm - Wilson combo sound?


Hi Dave:
What did you perceive as the differences between the vtl 450s and the Lamm hybrids with the Sashas?


Hi Hce4,

Well, there was an immediacy and coherence to the Quads that I have not experienced with any dynamic driver speaker. The Quads also excelled at midrange layering and dimensionality.

But the Sashas are so much better overall speakers, especially for my room size and listening preferences, that I don't miss the Quads. If I ever downsize my listening room I would consider Quads again, but that is not in the forseeable future (at least I hope not!)




Thanks for the great input Tricon_dave. Do you ever miss anything about the Quads? I need to hear the Lamm/Wilson combo!


Hi Hce4,

The Sashas are "dark titanium" which is a dark grey. After my Quads, I was looking for speakers with the same resolution, transparency and coherence but with additional extension, dynamics and tone. I also moved into a large open listening room and wanted speakers to better fill the room.

I auditioned a lot of speakers but every time I heard the Sashas, I found myself saying "that's it!"

When I first got them, I was using McIntosh electronics. It was good, but in the end sounded a little veiled and lacked bass definition. After much research I decided on the Lamm gear. All I can say is that the combination gives me everything I was looking for including great tone, micro and macro dynamics, coherence, transparency and resolution. The Lamms control the hard-to-drive Sasha's really well yet they have the finesse and dimensionality of some of the best tube amps I have owned. I think it is a special combination.


Tricon dave,

Nice system! What color are the Sashas? Could you talk a little about your system evolution, specifically what you think about the change from Quad to Wilson and the synergy you get by using Wilson and Lamm? Thanks!


Very nice system. How is the Wilson Mac pairing? Did you try other amps? The Raven is an amazing table and a great value. Enjoy.


System edited: I've updated my system with my new speakers, electronics and some pictures.


What made you chose the 2805's over the 2905's...I got to listen to the 2805's in a very small room this week and thought they were great, but not sure if my room is too big for them
Thank You


Hi Dave,I have not yet had a chance to listen to the 2805s,however I definitely will over the Christmas holidays.
10 bucks don't buy much anymore,great find and better still you discovered some new music. Regards Mark



Thanks for the info. I've been tempted to get Kessler's book...I think you just pushed me over the edge. I've read a lot about others raising their Quads off the floor as well, but nothing yet about anyone doing that with the 2805's. I may have to give it a shot just to see what happens, although the soundstage height is currently about 4 - 6 feet at the center image, which sounds fine to me. If I do raise them I'll post my experience here.

I picked up a cherry MoFi copy of "Le Jazz Grand" today by Michel Legrand with an all star line up. I've never heard of the guy, but man am I glad I bought it - it's the best $9.99 I've spent in a long time! The instrumental tones from baritone sax to cymbols sound great on the Quads.

Let me know what you think of the 2805's when you give them a listen.




Hi Dave,Few speakers systems past and present acually can be classed as a true reference speaker. The Quad 57 and 63 models are mentioned frequently through out the decades.Ken Kessler of England wrote a great book on Quad called... Quad The Closest Approuch...Do pick up a copy.The 2805 model is also a true reference speaker.
S.M.E. of England have used 63s to voice their turntables for many years.I understand the new owners of Quad paid a visit to the S.M.E. facility some time ago to see and hear the modifacations,hense the models 2805 and 2905.

I don't know if I can help you much on set up with your 2805s.Provided everything is burnt in well. My overhauled 63s are elevated off the floor about 18 1nches.The sand filled box stands are made from 1 1/2 inch thick Canadian hard rock Maple.Positioning ,just under nine feet apart and alittle over 6 feet out from the back wall as you have yours.Off the top of my head I have my 63s toed in about 3 inches.My listening position is 10 feet away with another 4 feet to a floor to ceiling book shelves behind me.These elctrostsats need lots of breathing room to sound their best.This works exceptionaly well for me though expermenting on your own is best.Have a tape measure on hand,string line as a reference for toe in and some masking tape to to mark on the floor the differant postions you have tried.You may end up dealing with 1/2 to 1 inch increments.Do give each postion a good long listen to."Don't be in a rush".Believe me ,you will be rewarded with your effords.

Our taste in music are close,the Quads are THE perfect speaker for small ensembles.I have used a second set of speakers for the last 25 years for those times my mood is for some music with slam,Big Band,Hard Bop and Rock.The Dynaudio Special 25s,a limited run, have a shocking big sound that comes out of them for such a small speaker.I spoke with Albert Porter some time ago,a well known Audiogon member,his Audiogon handle is his name.His comment to me regarding the Special 25s was his friend Ralph Karsen of Atma-Sphere also has a pair, among other speakers.Albert went on to say in a nice way, this speaker has no right to sound so big.Not many people own them ,Audiogon members anyway.Sonic wise,it beat out the top line Merlins I almost bought at 4 plus grand more.The dealer eventualy dropped the Merlin Line. However the 25s are no match for the shocking midrange purity of my Quads.

I will be listening to a pair of 2805 soon in a dealers show room.Looking forward to it.
Good listening and do keep us informed as things evolve.
Regards Mark


Hi Mark,

Thanks for your feedback on my system and sorry I haven't checked for new posts in a couple of weeks.

These are my first Quads and the dealer is about 150 miles away, so I have had to do my own experimentation with set up. The speakers are currently in a 9' equilateral triangle (measured from speaker center) with my listening seat and toed in just about directly at the sweet spot. They are about 6' out from the front wall. I have tried a wider speaker placement, but the center image seemed to loose some body and solidity. It would be nice to have some experienced Quad listeners to help me really dial them in, I'm sure I can get even better sound but don't know which way to adjust them...I would appreciate any advice on set-up!

Most of my listening is vinyl acoustic rock and jazz. This includes James Taylor, CSNY, Grateful Dead, early Beatles, Allison Kraus, Eva Cassidy, Chicago, BS&T, Cat Stevens, etc. For jazz - Basie, Ellington, Davis, Coltrane (some...not all), Patricia Barber, Holly Cole, Ray Brown, etc. Nothing too hard or too big scale. While I listen to classical at work, I wouldn't know where to start on buying records.

A question for you...How do you like your Dynaudio Special 25's? I have been toying with the idea of getting a world-class stand mount to use in addition to my Quads.




Hi Dave,Nice well thought out system.Great looking amp that Mac and something I will have to try in my own system someday.Your large room should be a real asset for your Quads.Lots of room to find that perfect spot for them.What type of music do you enjoy? Mark


Hi Guys,

I don't plan on adding a sub because the Quads are so seemless and I don't think a sub would integrate well. Also, the 2805's have respectable bass for the kind of music I listen to.

The Perseus, which I have had highly modified, is one of the most transparent preamps I have owned or heard. It betters the Rogue 99 Magnum by far in terms of transparency and lack of character, but is also better than other tube and ss preamps I have owned. I think it is a great buy for the price.

I might try some other phono stages, maybe some tubes, but I'll keep the Stealth because of the overall synergy currently in the system.




Very nice system Tricon dave! I am familiar with most of your equipment except the Persus Pre amp. But, I can imagine your system sounds very good indeed. Congrats and enjoy!


Great selection - Can we see some pics? I bet the Quad sounds great at lower levels in the larger room. Do you plan a sub now that you have a largish room - or another upgrade?


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