
This system is designed to be flexible and un-fussy but great sounding. It plays Rock and Hip-Hop loud and deep but also plays jazz and clasical with sublety and tranparency.

The Soliloquy speakers, for example, are natural, dynamic and play loud. You get a lot of the magic of mini-monitors with a lot of the bass and volume of large floorstanders.

Components Toggle details

    • Soliloquy 5.3 full range 3-way flooorstanding
    3 way floor stander with small footprint. Great bass with rich sound.
    • BAT 300 sxe Tube hybrid integrated amp
    150 watt hybrid integrated with tube pre and phono. Great sound. Tons of features.
    • Sim Audio Super Nova CD Player
    Single unit front loading, a unit or so below the flagship. Not the last word, perhaps, in inner detail but close to the last word in macro-dynamics and quiet.
    • Project RM-10 Tuntable
    Project flagship with acrylic platter and inverted magnetic repusion bearing, detached motor, carbon fiber arm. Great player with great pace and control.
    • Benz Micro Ruby 2 moving coil cartridge
    Low output, maybe 3.5 mv. Very Dynamic, with deep bass, natural and forgiving. I really like it a lot.
    • Shunyata Hydra 4 power conditioner
    Great power conditionr that doesn't limit dynamics.
    • Magmun Dynlab 30 FM Tuner
    Great tuner.
    • Polycrystal adjustable 42 inch 5 shelf, light cherry rack
    Gorgeous, very ridgid, has 5 ultra high desity resin sheves that feel like marble but absorb resonance really well. This rack really does tighten bass and increase resolution of componants. The guy who makes it is a complete nightmare to deal with so buy used unless you want to experience homocidal emotions.
    • Tara Lab The One bi-wire speaker cables
    Amazing bass detail and smoothness.
    • Fusion Audio Enchanter power cables (for line conditioner and amp)
    Great dynamics, bass etc.
    • Fusion Audio Impulse power cable (for CD player)
    Great detail, dynamics...smooth
    • Nitty Gritty Mini Pro 2 record cleaner
    Wood panels. Has special arm to wet vacuum both sides of the record at the same time.

Comments 7

Very nice system !


System edited: This system doesn't have the muscle of a mega-watt solid state with giant cabinet speakers or the transparency of single drivers with SET tubes or electro stats. The BAT sxe integrated amp has 150 watts of solid state power and the the pre-amp section is tube so it does most things very well and some things superbly. While the BAT is hardly the last word in any one area, it is an amp, pre-amp and phono pre all in one with input modulation so all the componants project at the same volume. The remote does everything. I would still like some bigger, more efficient, more dynamic speakers like the Piega C-10's or the Aerial 20 T's. But these are vastly more costly even used than my Soliloquys and I am strapped for money at the moment. Anyway, thanks for looking. Dave


System edited: Most of what you get from mini monitor sytrm and most of what you get from a full range system. Does everything well. Whole system retails for less than $35,000.


dave is very modest about how great this system sounds.
it has unreal detail and sounds incredibly life-like especially with jazz and latin styles


I've heard Dave's system and it sounds great. The bass clarity and definition is startling. It brings a smile.


The speakers look great! I new they did custom finishes but that is really different. I've heard Montana speakers and meet the desger a few years ago. I thought they were a very good value considering how expensive some full range speaker can be. Unforutnatly I had moved before being able to have compare them to some of the popular speakers in that price range. How do they compare to the XPs


Nice system. What is the finish on those Montanas? Looks funky..;-}

I have the SPXs and you would be surprised how they can image and disappear into the soundstage if you would get the out into the room and away from those racks.



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