
All these years aiming faith in music reproduction lead to this system with main goal Transparency with body and likfelike timbres and dynamics.

Achieving this way musicallity and neutrality.

For now playing directly with dCS built-in digital preamp and with awesome results.

A tube preamp is on the immediate plans.....many have tested few stand that level.

Of course this hobby is ever evolving and a Scarlatti or Emperor could be a treat! And why not a tube power amp also.

Components Toggle details

    • dCS Puccini
    dCS best integrated cd/sacd/dac player
    • dCS Puccini U clock
    master clock, anti-jitter and spdif--> usb converter
    • Gryphon Antileon Signature
    class A amplifier
    • Spectron Musician
    Class D amplifier
    Musician III SE mk2
    • Hansen audio Prince V2
    Amazing speakers
    • Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario
    back up speakers
    • Stealth Indra
    amazing interconnect
    huge and pin point soundstage
    • Stealth Metacarbon
    from pre to power
    when preamp is used
    • Stealth Dream
    the best speaker cable?

Comments 20

Did you ever demo the Viva preamp?


Hi George, I am also a fan of Jorma cables & am currently using Jorma Origo biwire sc's, all-Jorma Prime pc's & Prime xlr ic's. My amps are Boulder 1000 series & i'm running a modded Ayon CD-5s valve cdp. I was wondering how you think this mix of Jormas would compare to your preferred mix of Origo ic's & Prime sc's as you've done a lot of comparisons?



Hi Phil,

Dream speaker cables are awesome for the Princes recently I am listening also Jorma Prime it's fantastic as well.

Enjoy your Hansens.



Fellow Hansen Prince Owner, I just purchased the Hansen's...truly remarkable. Are you pleased with the Dream speaker cables? Phil


Jorma Origo interconnect added, amazing but needs lots of burn-in.


Hi Jfrech
The Sonus faber are sold.
I am using 2 amps because gryphon gets too hot especially in the summer and makes the audition to a spa experience (hahaha).

I do not listen to much hi-rez through mac but it's something that will do more in the future.



Hi george, how much are you listening to hi res via your Macbook? I've only toyed with to see if it works.

Great system ! Why 2 amps and 2 speakers? Or still in the process of changing out?

Thanks !


Thanks for the comments Rsg92.

Yes the Stealth dream powercords improving with break-in. But have in mind that are on the neutral side and may reveal things behind the chain.


Wow, very nice system Kops; thanks for the advice. Did you find the Stealth Dream powercord improved (in the highest frequencies) with break-in? Thanks again.


Sonus Amati Anniversario sold- Hansen Prince is lots better

Just in : Finiite Elemente Pagode EDITION great upgrade [on cerabases]

Mac book pro 15" 2.66 as computer audio HD transport with furutech gt2 usb cable. Works with dCS Puccini & Uclock smooth!!!!!


Hi Murat congrats on your new Stealth dream cables.

I will make a direct comparison these days in my system.

Stealth are not clinical are neutral and well stealth. Prime in general sounds richer. All is about system synergy IMHO.

Important is that you should use in your Scarlatti the digital version of the Dreams is different and meant to match digital gear. I am using digitalDream through my dCS gear.

Have in mind that there is big gap in price between these 2 cables, especially in Europe.

Happy new year to all and happy listening.


Hi Kops,

Great system! dCS and Gryphon are incredibly good together.
I'm also moving to Stealth cables, but you just told about audition of Jorma Prime. How it is in compare with Stealth Dream?
Dreams are very fast and dynamic cables, but may be a bit clinical.
What do you think about Jorma Prime?


system updates:

Preamp: ViVa Audio Linea XP 2009,
Interconnect: Stealth Sakra xlr,
Power cords: All Stealth Dream,
Finite Elemente cerabases under Hansen speakers (essential upgrade if you have hollow hardwood floors!)

testing for the moment:
Jorma Prime power cord
Coudln't believe this level of performance....


Thank you Ertugrul.

Hansen speakers needs time to burn-in and very good equipment before. But very good equipment.

Yesterday I had some thorough listening with a friend who wants my Amati and after the listening session he asked me to switch to the Hansen Prince should see his face expression up close. He concluded that Hansen Prince V2 is definitely better and immediately.

As for the preamp you're right, I just received my new preamp Viva audio linea XP in two chassis and will integrate it to my system next week after I receive some tubes for the rectification so I'll let you know.


Great Systeem Kops:)
The Hansen Prince V2 is the speaker to go and i strongly believe that this the best speaker up too 45000$ in the market!Perfectly musical coherent harmonicaly rich quick but very much emotinaly involved same time.Natural natural...
I really think that a good preamp will give more of everything to your systeem!
The amati is a nice and musical speaker looking good but for sure not the contender of Prince!!!


Very nice KOPS, I hope that tomorrow I' ll be able to give it a try...;)


I tested the new Stealth Sakra interconnect from dCS Puccini to my amplifier in the place of Indra....well I've never thought of a cable better than Indra....Sakra is something different though it is more involving though keeps all the best of Indra.
I'll keep the Indra for a while (mostly to test other preamplifiers and will sell Metacarbon) but Sakra is definitely a keeper.
I also tested both cables Sakra source-Indra pream.amp in a top notch system and it was excellent combination.




Hi Keiserrg and thanks.
I brought Jadis DA88 home for a friend to listen Amati Anniversario unfortunately it did not had the juice to deliver, performed better with Hansen Prince V2 but not ideal; maybe in smaller room.
If you go with Amatis you will need more power.

My Annis are in secondary system for now and preferably I'd like to sell and keep GM for second system.


hi kops, congratulations on getting your system on line! exceptional component choices, this must sound incredible! am i correct in reading that you are not really using the amati? i have always thought this is a wonderful and beautiful speaker. i do not have the space (or money!) to upgrade from guarneri but do you believe the Jadis integrated (da88) has enough juice to drive amati? best wishes,


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