
Listen all day long with no fatigue at all.We all can't have Vandersteens !

Components Toggle details

    • Versa Dynamics 1.0
    Original Versa 1.0 with dedicated stand. Still runnin' with band aids and baling wire.
    • Cardas Heart Myrtle Wood
    Latest Cardas Heart Myrtle Wood based on the Benz Ruby 3, This is the 9th Benz for me.(Starting w/a Van Den Hul MC 10)
    • MFA (Moore Frankland Assoc) MC Reference
    The last Preamp built by the now (Sadly) defunct MFA. Over 80db of gain (With NOS tubes!)
    • Cardas Golden Reference
    I love the low noise floor of these.
    • Cardas Golden Reference
    No one beats Cardas for long lengths that I've heard. Running 22' between preamp/amps
    • VTL Gold Aero Limited Edition 250
    The Granddaddy of all high power VTL amps. Hand built by David Manley in Great Britain in 1986
    • Sound Lab A-3
    Cut them down to eliminate treble reflection from 8' ceiling.

Comments 2

Yes,there were very few MC Reference preamps built. The 9 pin successor to the octal based Luminescence. Will try to upload pictures. I have recently moved and the system is in hibernation during remodeling. Those are cut down Sound Lab A-3. I was having problems with too much reflected treble of my 8' ceiling,so iI chopped the SL's bottom casing off and built a seperate box for the crossover.electronics. Glad you like.


Wow! I heard the legend of MFA - MC Reference but never actually witness one in real life. How about posting some pictures? BTW, are those Soundlab speakers?


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