
I started playing with this stuff in 1958 when I was 13. I converted the brand new "box" record player my folks bought me to stereo. The rest as they say - is history.

I bought an ARC SP-3 tube preamp in the early 70s but continued to "roll" components for a few years. I stayed with various models of the ARC SP-3 tube preamp from the early 70s until about 2000. I retired then and wanted to upgrade my system from the mid 70s to the late 80s or later. It was a great learning experience for me as were the years before 1974. I liked the SP-8 Rev 7, but it took me months and $$$$ to get it tubed for my likes - and even then there was just "this something" I couldn't get use to - but I kept trying.

Moving on to the amp - in December 2002 after listening to a few amps fell in love with the sound of the ARC D400MKII. It was a tough decision to replace my faithful MC2300 that was purring away for over 25 years. But the D400MKII seems to make the higher part of the lowest notes sound better to me. I don't think we're into mid freqs, but rather higher - low freqs. In general everything else it does just sounds a notch better to me than the MC2300 although that's still an excellent amp.

But still . . . the SP-8 just wasn't doing what my old SP-3A-1 did. I was fortunate to run into the gent who bought my old 3A-1 and he was looking for an SP-8 Rev. 7 so we worked out a trade. He sent the 3A-1 to ARC for me and they upgraded it to the 3C. I just can't believe my ears. I know you've all heard that before and I've said it myself more than once. This is it though - all the things I liked best about my system are restored and a notch better with the SP-3C, D400MKII and Creek CD50Mk2 - I'm a happy camper.

The Maggie Tympani 1Ds will be here until they die or I do. If they go first, I'll probably go with a new Mag model.

Someone with more experience and better ears then me suggested that I try AudioQuest Cobra interconnects since they're supposed to "bond" really well with ARC components. I rounded out the system with those and he was right. The Cobras removed tiny annoying things I never knew existed and put new life in the whole system.

The turntable is acceptable but considered a "toy" to hard core audio people. I play an LP once every six months so it works for me!

If you're into early ARC SP tube preamps - take a look at this link.

I welcome any email and hope ya'll enjoy this!

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research SP-3C (preamp)
    Upgraded to 3-C by ARC 04/04
    Bugle Boys
    • Audio Research D-400 MKII (power amp)
    200/ @ 8 ohm, 400/ @ 4 ohm. 270,000uF
    • Magnepan Tympani-ID (speakers)
    left side 4 ohm resistive, +/- 3dB 40 - 20K, 10 watts @ 500Hz = 93dB @ 6 feet.
    • Magnepan Tympani-ID
    right side
    • Creek CD50Mk2 (CD player)
    I insisted on a player that handled only a single CD. I didn't want to spend zillions and didn't want tubes. It's awesome - right out of the box!
    • AudioQuest Cobra (interconnects)
    I'm not really into cables but someone I trust a lot told me there's a certain "synergy" between ARC components and AQ interconnects.
    • Belden #14 (speaker wire)
    Good old copper - 8 strands - nothing fancy here.
    • Tripp Lite LC2400 (power conditioner)
    2400 watt line conditioner
    • Denon DP-7F (turntable)
    I play very little vinyl but don't think I'll ever elimate the tt from my system. This one works for my needs.
    • Audio-Technica Series VII (cartridge)
    Who knows? It works and doesn't seem to be cutting off strips of vinyl!
    • Breakfast of Champions
    This is what I eat before sticking my fingers inside my preamp. I never know - it just might be my last meal!

Comments 8

Hi JB - Sorry, I just can't seem to remember to check Audiogon more often for messages.

I can't say I was disatified with the Cambridge, but had the feeling it just wasn't up to the quality of the rest of my system. I talk more about this in a "review" I posted in the Audio Aslyum.

Here's a link to the review:

I'm not an expert at doing reviews or describing what I hear, but have loads of opinions! So if you have any questions about any if it, please use email to [email protected]

I'll probably sell the 640C soon - it has one "prob" and that is when first turned on the display is supposed to say "no disc" and it says "no dis8."

Once warmed up a few minutes the "8" turns to a "c" and I'd not send it back to get something like that fixed as much as stuff like that bugs me.

There must be some kind of glitch "electrical signal" getting to the display when first turned on.

I don't think it affects the sound at all and I'm not trying to sell it to you, but a couple of people asked if there's anything wrong with the one I have.


Hi Ruffscruff - I just got your response. It looks like you weren't too happy with the 640C after all? How did you decide on the Creek and are you satisfied with it?


System edited: Added the Creek


Sorry I didn't see your message sooner. I was never very good at describing the sometimes subtle differences between components even though I've been playing with this stuff since the late 50s.

The only complaint I had with the NAD 541 was it was starting to age a little and I guess I was also getting a little itchy for what I thought might be a sound improvement. Based solely on $$$$ I decided to move up from the $200 - $500 range to $500 - $1,000 and that's when I read about the Cambridge 640C.

I'm not at all expert on most things, and not sure how much weight I put on "breaking" things in - although over the years it does seem to make a difference. I sometimes wonder though if the breaking in is with my ears and not necessarily the component.

All that said - it took me a couple of weeks of "on and off listening" to get used to the 640C and when all was said and done - I like the 640C better than the 541. I can't get into things like PRAT or breaking the freq range into spectrums and saying the bass is good or the high end is crispy. I think the 640C does a decent job of playing what's on the CD across the whole range. I don't hear anything offensive and not sure if there's anything I'd like it to do better.

Since I bought it though every once in a while wonder if I should have gotten the NAD 542 instead although I've never heard it. I guess this isn't much help - buying a CD player is tough choice these days there are so many and all close in price.


How would you compare the old NAD C541 to the new Cambridge Azur 640C?


Glad you like it! The ones in the buns are long gone but happy the Siemens are working well for you. scruffyme



Good to see you and your system on Audiogon! I hope you are well. Still loving the Siemens tubes in my SLI-80! Thanks again!



Bet those Tube Steaks won't be around long. They look terriffic.



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