
Used and refurbed. This is a double duty system, video and audio.

Components Toggle details

    • Klipsch Klipschorn
    Vintage models from 1968? Bob Crites tweeters, woofers, and crossover capacitor kits. Great speakers!
    • Klipsch Chorus mkII
    Surround speakers
    • Marantz Marantz SR8002
    Extraordinary receiver!
    • Audio Research LS 17
    Almost unbelievable pre-amp. The clarity is stunning! the best I have ever heard or owned.
    • Usher R 1.5
    150W per channel, 1st 50 watts runs in class A. Very detailed and musical sounding amp.
    • Audio Research VT-60
    Very warm 50 watts per channel. Driver tubes are 1964 amperes. More than enough for the K-horns.
    • Epson H262A
    1080P projector, bright enough for a not completely dark room.

Comments 2

System edited: I replaced and upgraded a few items. The LS17 upgrade was HUGE! Best upgrade I have ever done!


dig those horns


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