
Living room is 12.5ft wide. 17.5ft deep, 8ft ceiling.

Components Toggle details

    • PS Audio Ultimate Outlet + Duet
    (1)20a and (1)Duet. between the Avs2000's and wall outlets.
    • Monster AVS2000 (5)
    One is used for the front end and the other 4 are for the amps (1 each for L,C,R, and 1 for both surrounds.
    • Monster HTPS7000 Signature
    balanced power for front end
    • Quantum symphony
    eliminates/reduces EMI/RFI interference.
    • Onkyo PR-SC885P
    Replaced my EAD with this Pre/pro
    • Bryston 7B-ST (3)
    Front three channels
    • Bryston 7B-NRB (2)
    Rear channels
    • Sony PS3
    Used as a dedicated Blu-ray player
    • Sanyo PLV-Z5
    LCD Projector with 2- hdmi inputs.Accepts 1080p(outputs 1080i)10,000/1 contrast.
    • Paradigm Studio 100 V.3
    Main channels
    • Paradigm CC-690
    Center channel
    • Paradigm Studio 60 V.3
    Rear channels
    • Paradigm CC-570
    Center rear channel
    • SVS PB-12
    Self powered Sub
    • Nordost Red Dawn, Silver Shadow
    All interconnects are terminated with Eichmann bullets and silver bullets except L+R. they are balanced.
    • Knu Konceptz Karma Kable
    8 guage speaker wire running to the three surround speakers.
    • MIT Terminator4 Bi-wire
    Used for the front three channels
    • Da-Lite Cinema Vision HC
    77" 16x9 High contrast fixed screen
    • Yaoin Tube Buffer
    Tube Buffers for analog between my SB3 and Sony BDP-S1
    • Slim Devices SB3
    Music steamer

Comments 15

How do you like the Onkyo PR-SC885P?


System edited: Added an SB3, 2-Yaoin Tube Buffers, Onkyo PR-SC885P processor and removed the pioneer DV-59avi, EAD 8000, And the Toshiba HD-XA1(HD-DVD is dead)


Hey,Ozz-man; yes, I do miss it but my neighbors don't,(wink-wink). Heck I don't even bother to hook up the 5.1 analog. Just seems like I have way many wires all over the place as it is. I just shot my budjet on the AA Prestige,se player and it does float my boat.
So you got BD and HD-? I have been toying with that but haven't;yet. --I'm hoping for a better combo player than the LG; then,--maybe.
Before the Ruby, I had the Sim2 300 e. That was a 12/14k retail projector and the Ruby pretty much kills it for around 1/3 the price.---Actually light outputwas the problem with the Sim2---That is the area where the Ruby is pretty strong.---So,for now the sound for movies,is on hold.


Greetings Avguygeorge,
Wow, sold your meridian gear. Even though you don't expect much from the receiver, you surely must miss the quality every now and again. I don't think i could take that much of a step back in the audio department. I am thinking of a Analog only tube preamp in place of the EAD and only use the 5.1 analog out from my HD-DVD and Blu-Ray machines.
(i don't use the digital end anymore anyway)
The Ruby must look pretty good with 1080p HD-DVD. I was looking at the sony VPLVW50 SXRD (which in some ways is a better projector than it's big brother) but ultimately settled on the sanyo Z5, replacing my Z2. (2000 CDN plus an extra lamp, mount, hdmi cable, and shipping inc)
I do envy your possession of the Ruby though and hope you do upgrade from the receiver once again.


Hi Ozz--- Me2,still here. I too keep upgrading. I found quality HT is where I can get in trouble. The better it sounds, the more temptation. I sold my Meridian stuff and went with a cheap/kinda, receiver. (Marantz 9300). From that, I don't expect much--I don't get much,either. Just a taste of what I used to have-- but less in the problems, area.--I guess better video these days, does it 4me. (HD-DVD and a Ruby)


Actually i still live in the apartment.
I don't have to much in the name of conditioning aside from the htps7000(front end)+ a ps audio duet and 1 20a ultimate outlet, the other monsters are the avs2000 regenerators. Very much needed in my enviroment. I can dim the lights pretty easy with the big brystons.
For the money, for around $250.00ea i paid there isn't anything i could possibly upgrade to make an improvement over what i already have.( I wouldn't have bought these at retail or even close to retail). Plus they can always be utilized somewhere else when not needed anymore in the present system.
Thanks for the comments guys.


That is impressive but I agree... what could you need all those Monsters for?,seems you could sell almost all of them and improove many other things with the money.
All the same I bet your rig is a entertaining experience and you have a killer set-up!


Crazy system, it must really, really sing. Are not so many power conditioning units overkill? Hope you have your house my now and was able to transition everything over.


System edited: changed my ovation plus in for an 8000


System edited: added 2 more ultimate outlets and 3 more AVS2000's. Also added a glass toslink between the ovation plus and Dv-59avi


Thanks Finsfan05401.

Actually, i intend on purchasing a house later in the year.(been saving for 12 years). Property in vancouver is very expensive and we are looking for the right one).

I have been looking at the Arcam AVR700 pre/pro. I might sell my EAD and pick this unit up. Waiting for a review to pop up in stereophile.

If anybody is intersted, i will post pics of what i have in the present setup.( Haven't done it yet because i just didn't think it would do it justice)


I love your stereo. Why don't you sell it and put a downpayment on a home. Then start over. I did this and it was the greatest move I ever did. My stereo is better then ever. Landlords suck.

P.S. I am rooting for you man.


System edited: Changed speaker cables from Mit Terminator 2 b/w to an 8 guage and the digital moonglo was changed to a Silver Shadow.


Thanks for the kind words Avguygeorge. Glad to see i'm not the only apt dweller here. It has taken a few years of upgrading to get to this point. I put a lot of work on the synergy of the system. the Ead and the Brystons are a perfect match and they do make the paradigms sing. Looks like you have a pretty nice system yourself. the Sim2 on a 92" screen must look pretty good. I am a firm believer in power conditioning. Everything starts at the wall! Garbage in, garbage out.


Hey; U got a lot of good stuff there. Including your matching amps and speakers.---I too live in an apt. My room dimensions are similar.--There is just no way I could sub-woof. While I have been here for 15 years; new neighbors come and go and I have a problem guy, a couple of doors away with the hearing of a bat,or similar. I have a Sim2 and 92 hccv--along with a 65 Mits. crt rptv.I have a mis-mash of speakers and amps. I also use many conditioners. AND; I am a pain in his butt when I get a new piece.(or he in mine)---Nice system,indeed!!


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