
The next thing to upgrade and last will be the power amps, to the awsome Lamm ML2 triodes.

Components Toggle details

    • CEC TL-1x
    belt drive, rem, 40 lbs
    • Museatex BiDat
    • Micro Seiki RX-5000
    one of the best vintage tables, very heavy (50 kg) all metal base and platter, awesome musical sound.
    • SME-R 3012
    12" model
    • Denon DR-103R
    Great MC cartridge for the price.
    • The Absolute Power The Absolute Power
    One of the least expensive yet the best.
    • Kenwood Kenwood

Comments 18

Sorry, $11,000


Sorry to hear that this hobby has taken a back seat. But if the Kharmas are $1100.00 as you mentioned in your system, then I am game :-))

Good luck.


I will be placing these items in the "For sale " section soon.


After getting involved in totally different hobby about five years ago, my music listening hobby has taken a back seat, thus I decided to sell some pieces of my equipment, one of them being my Micro Seiki TT with SME 3102R arm,as well as my Lamm phono stage, Lamm preamp, Kharma Speakers, CEC
I'm not sure if it is a good idea, as I can see vinyl is making a comeback.
Anyone interested in any of these components contact me at my cell. 646.696.5214


-Thanks and, Yes it is still the same so far...
Sorry for the delayed response, I hardly evr rememberto check this thread.


nice setup! Is the system you've listed above still current?!



I use the same type of Kharma. What speakercable are you using?


Renaat Mattheus



would you want to sell the micro seiki rx 5000?

[email protected]

congratulations - you now own one of the best tt´s ever made. You´ll see, once you go up the Micro line (to the air bearing models) you´ll never think about any other tt again.
Very nice system indeed!


System edited: As per cables are concerned, this I'd like to keep as a secret, I found something extremely inexpensive, that with the proper burning time period, their performance is much better, more musical, fuller and satisfying than all those hyped firemen's hose sized cables that even with the blessings of all the saints in the heavens and in hell.


System edited: I just added the awsome Micro Seiki RX-5000 Turntable, a much better product than all those over priced toy like plexiglass tables. Tried them, hated their noise.




Nice. Very nice. I assume you preferred the Lamm to the Joule preamp? Personal preference there. I'd only advise to try different cords - especially the TG Audio SLVR on the Stargates, and maybe an Electraglide on the preamp, though I'm not sure about that last one. Also consider upgrading the interconnect from the ProSil II to the Luminous Sych. Signature or the Discovery Essence. Good luck!


Alright, I wasn't going to say it, and burst your (sonic) bubble. You should get the Audio Magic Stealth Purifier. Plug all your stuff into this baby and you will not believe what you were missing. Of course you can consider going with the PS Audios, Chang, Shunyata Hydra,and the like. Keep that as a consideration. I did my homework and wound up with the Stealth. You can always email me for further information. Your system is crying for the Stealth.


You need a cartridge. If you have only MM level input, then go to at least a Dynavector 10x4 high output MC. The Linn K9 is a low priced Audio Technica cartridge labled for Linn. It has no place in a system like yours. If you can afford it, then get a MC step-up device and go with a low-output MC cartridge like a Denon DL103 or Shelter 501. Actually, depending on how much you use analog, your whole analog rig could be upgraded, considering the high quality level of the rest of your system. But, definitely at least the cartridge. That is the weakest link.


Your in the tunnel, the light is aproaching. I would strongly recommend an upgrade to your power. Dedicated line, conditioner, at the very least a better power cord. I know they are good, but your only hearing part of the potential. With an upgrade in power and the Lamm amps I'd say the light is with you my son.


Yes, but it's temporary.


Yes, I don"t have to hear it to say that THAT is heavan. But pinch yourself now. If you were in heavan, would you need to upgrade, or would heavan be perpetual upgrades? hmmm.
Is that REALLY going to be your last upgrade? You can lie to us, you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to God.

But yes. Unique and tasteful, too.


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