
I been a budget minded hifi fan who tinkers every 5 years or so. So here is the current system I have. I am still looking into swapping out the integrated amp and possibily speakers to towers.

Components Toggle details

    • Cambridge Audio Azur 340C CD
    Entry level deck from cambridge Audio
    • Cambridge Audio Dac Magic
    DAC for an affordable buyer
    • Musical Fidelity Musical Fidelity A3
    dual mono integrated amp
    • PSB New Stratus Mini
    Great book shelf
    • Magnum Dynalab MD 90
    good budget tuner
    • Project Audio Pro-ject Debut 3
    Entry level table with acrylic platter and pearl cartridge upgrades.
    • Phase Technology Octave-12
    Had this sub since 95. About to retire it.

Comments 14

System edited: New photo!


I agree with Nissancrazy about Magggies!


I checked out the site on the tube gear you provided. Nice looking stuff.
If I go tube gear I am looking for a tube preamp and solidstate amp. I may stick with Musical Fedility on amp part.
Great sound and projects a good stage.

I am open to new gear if any ideas.


Thanks will check the site out.


Hey, sweet little system you've got there. If you decide to go the tube pre/ amp ss route, I'd recommend highly a used Sonic Frontiers pre. They are cheap, built like tanks, only one tube to worry about so you don't have to be an expert, ultra reliable, and sound great - perhaps not as refined as some of today's best, but plenty good. Also, much as the CA stuff has gotten great reviews, if you stick with a int. amp, you might want to look at Xindak. Great tube-like sound, and build for the buck that no American company can compete with. Cheers! b


Thanks for the reply. Will take into consideration.
And Terry Kath is still 1 of my all time favorites.
"Southern California Purples is my fav by Chicago.
I know was not Terry's best but the arrangement was great.
Now Poem 58 is a great song to hear Terry's abilities.
I will check out the Mags when I am ready.



Terry Kath of Chicago is one of the best if not the best, old Chicago rules.

"But I like a good fast sound with lots of space and imagining is very important"

In my humble opinion there is little that competes with Magnepan given your above statement, they are fast, actually super fast, accurate, detailed and once correctly set up literally can't be beat in most opinions without spending 3-4-5 times as much. I traded out a pair of Paradigm Studio 40's and a pair of B&W 604's for the first pair of Maggies I owned, the MMG's, and at $599 retail direct from Magnepan they blew the doors off the above speakers. Take another listen when you have a chance.


I still have an Audio Electronics Super Amp MkII that I amp currently not using w/ I downsized my system. It is a lovely amp and I will use it again. The AES DJH preamp is one of the best buudget preamps around. Id also look into the Rogue Metis, but it is not quite as detailed, but does have a phono stage.

I've though about Musical Fidelity for years but never took the plunge because there is some many brands to choose from. Please tell me about them. Is the integrated you have a bit harsh or thin as you are considering tube pre and MF amp?


Hmmm something to consider on both your replies. Thanks guys.

I owned a Audio Electronic Dennis signature amp for a short while. I traded it in for the Musical Fidelity integrated amp.
I am researching Cary Audio preamp and possibly a Musical Fidelity Amp.
I have listened to Magnepan's long ago. But now I am not sure if room would allow for it here.

Have you listened to the new MAggies the small pair? I do not recall model. I maybe interested in those. But I like a good fast sound with lots of space and imagining is very important.

Although I am looking into relocating back to Cali. If so I will look into a house with large enough room to step up size.

And yes classic rock still lives.
Just found my old Chicago Transit Authority CD. The guitar player IMO was probably 1 of the best in his time.

Have a good one guys.


If you are considering different speakers look into the Magnepan MMG or MG12, if the budget and space allow take a look at the Magnepan 1.6QR's. Absolute Sound, more specifically JV has gone on record suggesting that the 1.6QR is the speaker he would pick under $3000. The latest issue suggests not only the MMG's but the 1.6QR's and the 20,1's as speakers the reviewers would pick for systems they get to design on their own. Not in any way an advertisement but they changed my ideas of affordale true high end audio, read the reviews and trust a Maggie owner when I say they will turn your head and make you want to listen to your CD's for the first time all over again.

Love the Led Zep poster, classic rock lives.......


I went the tube pre/ SS amp route for a while. You get the best of both worlds. Big 3D soundstage and articulate detail. I used the AES DJH preamp w/ Pass Labs Aleph 30 power amp. Superb combo!


I am thinking of moving into tube preamp and solid state amp next.
On the DAC and the 340 I love it. Esp compared to my old CD player. Opened the sound way up.
I tried it both ways and found the DAC helps a lot.

Thanks on poster lol I have Beatles, Kurt Cobain and Bob Dylan as well in my music room.

Hope that helps.



If you are looking for a different integrated I'd consider the CA Azur 640a V2. It has been upgraded to the 650 so the 640 V2's are plentiful used. I have down sized from hi-end and picked up the 640v2 as my amp and it is simply stunning. It would round out your system nicely. It also has pre outs for sub or power amp to bi-amp.

I have been looking at the DAC Magic. What is your impression of it added to your 340c? Is it much better than using the 340 CDP w/o it?

Love your Stevie Ray V poster!


Ok it took me a while but there is my small system.


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