
A hodge-podge of used equipment I have put together in a small dedicated listening room. Most of it has been purchased at incredible values. My total investment here is just under $2k. Been to the local (Phoenix area) hifi shops and listened to equipment that retails for far more than I can afford at this time. I've concluded if you're patient and keep your eyes peeled for good pre-owned values, it's possible to put together a system that closely rivals and in some cases trumps those purchased for much more at retail prices. For me, shopping for this stuff is half the fun.

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    • Dared VP-845
    22 watt 845-based SET amplifier ... got it for $470 on Ebay!! I am using the stock 845s, NOS Sylvania 6SN7, and Electro Harmonix gold-pin 12AX7 tubes.
    • Odeon Rigoletto
    Fostex FE-164 full range driver and Audax horn-loaded soft dome tweeter. Backloaded horn speaker. Amazing bargain at $475. They must be positioned closer to walls/corners than typical loudspeakers, so they're better suited for smaller rooms. Mine is about 10 X 11. I pull them out further from the wall than shown when listening.
    • Monster Cable THX 1000
    Decent cables.
    • Aural Thrills Black Axiom
    Nice handmade cables offered here on Audiogon.
    • MIT EXp1
    Decent cables.
    • PowerVar ABC-400
    Power conditioner with upgraded power cord and hospital grade male IEC. $10.00 used on Craigslist.
    • OneAC CP-1103
    Power Conditioner with 4 outlets. Got it used for $23 on the bay. If it's good enough for life-supporting hospital equipment, it's good enough for my stereo.
    • Vibrapod Isolators and Cones
    Purchased from CJ's right here on Audiogon. Nice little tweak.
    • Pioneer Elite PD-65
    Nice transport with stable platter. Another great deal at $100.00 (Craigslist) and in almost new condition. By far the source component that's made the BIGGEST positive impact as my system evolved. I have to give credit to the stable platter. I didn't expect a change in transport to make this much of a difference.
    • Floating Granite Slabs
    These are from Vietnam. Each set consists of two 1.5 inch beveled granite slabs separated by 4 large ball-bearings. The bearings are seated in grooves that were machined into each slab... thus creating a "floating" motion when disturbed. I bought two for $20 each.
    • Xindak DAC-5
    24-bit DAC than can be operated at 96khz or 192khz, and in solid-state or tube mode. I am using a Electro-Harmonix gold-pin 6DJ8.

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