
I am a graduate student will a picky ear and a thin wallet. I sought out to build a system for around $1000. With functioning used and repaired components I did it. Just wanted to share and see what people thought. The turntable is okay. I was thinking of replacing the cartridge and/or the interconnect (Any suggestions for either). Opinions? Suggestions?

Components Toggle details

    • NAD 3130
    Got this one off of eBay for $90 shipped. The sound is open and clean. Had to do a little cleaning when I first got it since some of the switches were dirty. Great little midrange integrated amp.
    • NAD 521i
    Bought new. Base model, but an excellent sound. Plays CD-Rs.
    • Kimber Tonki
    0.5 meter interconnect for CD and Amp. Amazing, I hear absolutly no static from this interconnect (headphones, CD on pause, with volume to max). The rest of the interconnects aren't anything special.
    • Kimber 4-PR
    20 ft and 35 ft run bought new. End have soldered lures and banana adapters to the amp. I don't hear any change of the sound even with different lengths of runs. Solid over full range by my ear.
    • NAD 533
    Bought used for $270. No modification yet, still has original cartridge
    • NAD 4130
    Bought used for $90
    • Kenwood W4080
    This is the base consumer model, but I don't care since I found it sitting in the entry way of my apartment building with a
    • JBL L-26
    Got these off of a professor in my department for free (his old college speakers). The wolfers were blown out. With in-shop and some of my own repair, final cost was $180. Not perfect, but the sound is full and wonderful.

Comments 2

I agree, you are in dire need of some speakers. You could probably pick up a pair of PSB bookshelf speakers for less than $200. They would be a great improvement. BTW, they go great with NAD gear!


As a fellow NAD user, it looks good to me. Instead of replacing cables, I'd probably stat to save for speakers. The one's you have are not holding up their end of the deal.


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