
This system I called College Student's budget system, I totally spent 1750 CAN (included some component I found second hand, these used component wasn't succeeded without my friend). it's worth, the system sound like $4000 Can system. right now i'm beyond satisfied

Components Toggle details

    • Sony SCD-XE670
    this SACD is in cheap price, but positively no dissapoint you.
    • Cambridge Audio A300 integrated amp with pre-out
    This integrated amp works fine, not much detail compares with bryston dedicated amp.
    • Bryston 4B
    this amp is fantastic, it's sound so rich, and open, excellence in bottom end.
    • Axiom M3TiSe
    This bookself works perfect with a clean and power amp. it's focus, open. It's strength is hard to distort in high volume, be careful your amp. It will sucking completely dry your amp if <100 watt
    • Kimber Cable 4PR
    good signal for the money, provide detail on high frequency.
    • Monster Cable THX interconnect
    reasonable price in reasonable performance.
    • No brand No number
    this stands with a big support plate and 4-way spikes provides more stable to bookshelf speaker in high volume.

Comments 6

I listened to a very similar rig for a long time myself and I must say that the m3ti's sound very good that close at reasonable volume levels. Some of my happiest listening occured shortly after my "listening futon" broke (thank goodness for warranties) and I was forced into the nearfield. Just keep it quiet-ish and life is good. I agree with Zephyr_wak, opening that closet door may solve your problem.


wow, you sit incredibly close in, imo. How do you like being that close? I might have to try now. I'm kind of space restricted myself, and my current positioning isn't too great.


I had a similar problem with imaging with one speaker sitting too close to the closet and I have a solution. What happen if you open the closet door? Assuming you have clothes hanging inside it will help absorb the excess SPL. Let me know how it works.


Great simple system. How do like the bryston and have tryed using the Cambridge Audio A300 only with the speakers? If so, how does it sound? Also, how big is your room? Thanks and have fun.



Try bi-wiring those speakers. You'll be surprised. I was using 4PR with my ProAc Tablettes. Then I bought a 50-ft spool of 16-gauge MegaCable speaker wire at Radio Shack for $17.99 (USD), $50 worth of banana plugs and I was amazed. Performance improved in every way. I used to have a $300 pr of Audioquest CV-6 biwire cables and I swear, this cheap stuff from Radio Shack, at leat when used to biwire, is great -- especially if you're on a budget.


System edited: This is my first hi-fi sytem in my room. It sounds great, Due to insufficent space therefore my left speaker must locate in the corner close to the closet, and this affects the imaging of the speaker (left one SPL also greater than the other). I'm planning to have a acoustic treatment for my room, but the material so expensive, as a student I just have enough money to my lunch and misc. (Future) the next upgrade is Gershman Acoustic Cameleon $ 1699, or I will take advice from anybody suggesses other brand same performance, and value to Cameleon. Thanks


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