
This is my first hi-fi system. i am going to upgrade my front end in the near future. I am thinking an oppo 105 or a dedicated DAC for around $1,000 just don't know as of yet. I would love any comments.

Components Toggle details

    • Sony BDP-S350
    entry-level Blu-ray player
    • Kudos C2
    2-way floor-standing / The reflex port is situated on the bottom of the cabinet to enable more flexibility in placement within the listening room
    • Rogue Sphinx
    100 watts of hybrid power
    • Project Audio Debut 3
    Pro-Ject Debut III Turntable
    • Nordost Blue Heaven Rev II Speaker Cable
    Nordost Blue Heaven Rev II Speaker Cable
    • XLO Pro type 100
    XLO/PRO type 100

Comments 5

I just looked at your system and the only words i can think of is "WOW that's some real next level equipment"
i wish i could think of something more appropriate to say. VERY NICE

I put some thought into room acoustics, analyzed, modeled, and spoke to some people about the issue.
I have mixed thoughts and feelings about the subject, because I received mixed answers about the effects I should receive.

Here are my findings from study:

Axial: (2 wall) - no unwanted 2 wall pressure issues.

Tangential: (4 wall) - 79, 85, 152, 155, 227, 229, 231, 239, 302, 304 Hz. These are + 7 dB - + 9 dB over acceptable.

Room Observations: I have a basement room structure. Basements have special low frequency issues. I will need absorption from 79 - 304 Hz. That can be accomplished by
starting with 6 panels. front and side walls. I have unequal side wall surface continuity with different openings in both side walls. This is an image killer and I must fill those open spaces and provide uniform surfaces for side wall reflection management. The audio rack must be removed from the front wall and all equipment placed upon the floor or a low rack. I can not have any surfaces or objects within the sound triangle to produce spurious reflections. obviously the tv placement is not helping.


Congratulations on what appears to be an excellent first system. I'm a big fan of Rogue Audio, and have been incredibly happy with my Cronus amp for seven years now. I like the way you've spent quality audition time at Stereo Exchange and Singer's. Now, sit back and enjoy your favorite music !


Nice looking system.
How are the acoustics in the room?


I purchased my Kudos C2's from Andy Singer from Sound by Singer. I originally went to listen to the X2’s with the Rogue Cronus magnum, but after listening to the Sphinx and the Cronus I decided that the Sphinx was the right sound for me. It sounded more clear and was better at the bottom end, the Cronus was more romantic and laid back and not as foot tapping for me. Comparing the X2’s to the C2’s was another story the X2’s for such a small speaker really let the bass out. After hearing the C2’s I was convinced that it was the rights choice. I was able to feel the bass in my chest, it sounded like a bigger speaker. Derek Gilligan has a great philosophy, it had enabled me to get a great speaker for good value.

Before buying the C2’s I had auditioned:
Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 with the Cronus and the Sphinx @ Stereo Exchange

B&W CM8 S2 with the Cronus and the Sphinx @ Stereo Exchange

Totem Sttaf with the Cronus @ Stereo Exchange

Kudos X2 with the Cronus, Sphinx, and Musical fidelity M6 @ Sound by Singer


I think you're on a very good path. I find the speakers very interesting. Great cabinets and excellent drivers and excellent crossover parts. Those and the Rogue alone should be killer. What dealer did you get the Kudos?


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