
We all search for that perfect sound and I have to contend with the difficulties of a rented apartment in NYC where I can�t really modify the room disturb my neighbors (too much)�

This system has been a progression. I started with all the Mac tube gear as a base. I then upgraded from basic wires to Nordost Baldur. I was using focal profiles, and they were very nice, but a little bright in my room that has a lot of hard woods and no sound deadening.

I then started reading about the Quad ESL 2905 and heard they can do things no other can. Which is true. I heard them at stereo exchange and fell in love, but once I got them home, they were missing something, the ability to play loud, and the ability to go low.

I sold those and replaced them with the speaker of my dreams, the JM Labs / Focal Alto Utopia. I�ve been very pleased. This tweeter is amazing in its accuracy, depth and range. It really brings the music to life, and I like that its maybe a little too hot. The 11� driver for the bass really rounds out the sound and adds depth that the profiles just don�t have. Also, these sound wonderful at a mid volume, but when friend come over and want to hear what a $20k+ system sounds likes, I can blow them away and play VERY loud.

Then I did something stupid, that I�m happy I did. I went out and bought the best sub on the market in my opinion. That�s the JL Audio Fathom 113. Huge power, huge range and amazing accuracy. In my home theater 5.1 set up (the Focal Profiles) I�ve been easily able to set it up by crossing over the speakers at 80 hz, (THX level ) and letting the sub do the rest. In the new batman, where he�s driving that bat car around, it shares the building like you wouldn�t believe, but is accurate enough that you can hear and fell every time his tire looses traction and tears up some ashfault.

Unfortunately, I�ve had a heck of a time integrating the Sub into my 2 channel Focal Utopia system. Looking for help. I�ve called JL and spoke to one of the smartest guys in audio there, Barry.

He recommends sealing the port on my focals, and using external crossovers to cross the speakers out at 80 hz again. Problem hear 1. It�s expensive and I just dropped 15K on speakers and subs. 2. I like to switch between full range only and then speaker + sub as I listen at night often and the sub bugs everyone in the building.

Looking for opinions on how to get this sub in phase, sounding amazing in this amazing system.

Components Toggle details

    • Focal Alto Utopia BE
    • McIntosh MC-275 reissue
    Version 5 or V
    • JL Audio Fathom F113
    • JM Labs Profile 918
    Gloss Black
    • Nordost Baldor
    • Nordust Baldor
    3m Speaker cable - spades.
    • Quad CDP-2
    CD player with built in DAC and 3 optical ins so i can play my apple lossless files from my computer and control it from my itouch
    • Apple TV
    Just added this, like to watch music videos from the internet.
    • Sony Playstation 3
    Use to watch Blu-Ray Discs and play video games
    • Onkyo 120w/ channel
    SX something.... Sounds pretty good for surround. lots of power. Very clean. Not as twinkly as the tube stuff...
    • McIntosh MC-2200
    Tube Pre-Amp

Comments 5

So very nice, love the combo of the 2200 and 275 gear. A shining system in a shining city, Happy listening for you and your neighbors.


Thanks for the idea's. After alot of listening and tinkering, i found out the problem with the soundstage! MY Ears! everyone else says its perfect, apparently I've lose some hearing in my left ear....

I really hope I don't have to go to external X-overs.... Lets see if anyone else comes up with a better solution.



Hi Dustin - Your system looks great. As far as the soundstage issue goes, have you taken independent nearfield measurements of the two speakers with a spl meter? If they measure differently, that's probably your answer. If they measure the same, it could be an effect of your room. Does your room have any significant asymmetries?

Integrating your sub into your system is tricky. Using an external analog crossover will certainly work, but you should choose carefully because, IME, many crossovers can dramatically diminish sound quality. The good ones seem to be crazy expensive, and I know you just spent a lot on your speakers and sub. I would search the A'gon archives, or perhaps create a thread asking for advice about high quality but affordable crossovers.


On my home theater system i've done that and integrated the sub well, but i don't have the ability to do that with the MC2200 preamp in my pure 2 channel system. It doesn't have any crossover settings.


Nice system. I too think that JL Audio makes the premium sub. Make sure on your preamp that you do not have your HIGH PASS filter on. Your speakers are close to full range experiment more on the crossover settings I would get a favorite album or cd you are familar with and listen to its entirity at 50hz/60hz/70/and 80hz. Let your ears be the judge. Listen also staight with out the sub. I bet you find an answer


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