
I've been slowly but surely putting this speaker setup together. I've always been a headphone guy, I have Sennheiser HD580s and a PS Audio GCHA that I use most of the time. I've been buying single components for a speaker setup as I can afford it, and I'm about ready to buy speakers soon. If anyone has any suggestions for what would pair well with my C-100 for under $1000 please let me know! Pics to come soon.

Components Toggle details

    • Marantz DV4500
    Basic DVD player I use to play CD's, got locally on ebay for $55. Sounds noticeably better than the DAC onboard the PS Audio GCHA
    • PS Audio C-100
    100w integrated I bought used for $800 here on Audiogon. Love it.
    • Polk Audio M10
    Awful speakers. Bought for a little over $100 a when in high school. I bet I'm the only one on Audiogon with a $1600 amp powering $100 speakers.

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