
This is my first foray into hi fi - way above my expectations, but still entry level for some here!

My old system - a circa 1989 Nakamichi TA-1A, NAD CD player and Snell K types kept me rockin for years, but it could never stand up to well recorded classical music, and I always knew jazz CDs were just god awful compared to my dad's records I grew up listening to. I started to explore... and caught the bug.


Components Toggle details

    • Naim Audio CD5-XS
    • Naim Audio NAIT XS
    • NAIM FlatCap XS
    power supply
    • VPI Industries ScoutMaster with JMW-9 Signature
    VPI Industries ScoutMaster with JMW-9 Signature tone arm
    • SoundSmith VPI/Zephyr Moving Iron
    VPI/Zephyr Moving Iron
    • Sutherland Engineering Ph3D Phono Stage
    phono stage + 16 D cells
    • Totem Acoustics Hawk
    in beautiful cherry
    • Quadraspire Q4EVO
    • Sonore Rendu
    • Naim Audio DAC
    • Schiit Audio Asgard

Comments 3

Well, yes your fears are somewhat justified, there is some work involved to set up and maintain a music server mainly. Its worth it though. It will totally change how you listen to and explore music.

Squeezebox Touch and squeezeserver on a computer of choice is the way to start. Add a 1.5 Gb or higher USB drive to rip to and another for backup. I like Seagate drives. They have been fast and reliable and the backup software that come loaded on them works well. Yes make sure you keep backups!!! Things can happen, especially at first.

Rip to lossless .wav using Windows Media Player for an easy PC ripping solution that works well. Just make sure you start the rip manually after all the metadata is set correctly. Don't use autorip or the first track will likely be missing metadata tags in the header and have to be redone to fix. Get the tags right the first time before ripping. If you think you will want or have to go back later and change or add metadata tags manually, use lossless .flac format for editable tags, not .wav.

That's the jist of it. Good luck.


Thanks for the feedback.

Is your Squeeze box connected through the DAC? Do you find streaming from the Bridge easier than the Squeezebox? higher quality?


Squeezebox touch is great entry and easy to use.

I love my PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC and bridge (wirelessly fed hi rez files from a usb hard drive that connects to my Netgear wireless router). Use my iPad and "elyric" app to run all music.


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