
I hope to hear your opinions.

Components Toggle details

    • McIntosh MCD-205
    5-Disc CD player
    • McIntosh MT10
    • McIntosh/ Clear Audio MT10
    • McIntosh/ Clear Audio MT10
    • McIntosh C2300
    Mullard Tubes
    • McIntosh MC-275 reissue
    Pair of MC275 with Gold Lion tubes
    • Eggleston Works Andra
    Andra I (No upgrade)
    • MIT Shotgun S3
    All interconnect cables are Shotgun S3
    • MIT MH-750 Shotgun
    CVT Coupler

Comments 4

Nice system


Magic in the McIntosh. Waaay...nice system. Would love to read more on your impressions of your very nice system. Are there any concerns with having your tube pre amp positioned the way it is? Enjoy the music. Glen


nice set up, and can you really beat a tower of mcintosh glowing and rocking clean power with the lights out>?? i too run my system with alot of mc gear, (501, mc2500,mht200. i was looking into upgrading my phono stage, with the mcintosh. How do you like it? please send me a msg if you would like. and keep enjoying your system


Nice system. I'd like to hear more about how you selected those components. How is the c2300 working out? Do you ever use the tone controls on it? Also the rack is nice. What is the brand? regards, David


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