
Finally starting a new system after retiring my Mission Cyrus 2 + KEF C in service for 15 years.

Looking for something different, and something which will bring me closer to the music. I like all kind of music, now having a lot fun starting my collection of jazz, classic and 80's LP's.

Comments & suggestions are most welcomed.

Components Toggle details

    • Yamaha CDR-HD1500
    HDD CD Recorder / Music Server -- record CD or other analog sources into harddisk (up to 400G) and playback as a digital source via coxial output. Good price/performance.
    • Benchmark DAC1
    Excellent cost/performance DAC.
    • Denon DP-1300MKII
    A revised 2007 version of the DP-1300 direct-drive turntable. Available only in Japan.
    • Denon DL-103SA
    2007 Limited Edition of the classic 103 cartridge, with 6N copper wires and glass fiber composite housing. Comes in a beautiful walnut wood case.
    • Shindo Monbrison
    Pre-amp which comes with a switchab le MC/MM phono stage.
    • Shindo Lafon 300B Single Ended
    Single-ended Cetron 300B mono-block amplifier.
    • Tannoy Turnberry/SE
    Scaled down version of the Tanny classic dual-concentric speaker (10")

Comments 12

Hey CK. Wow....Shindo & Tannoy! Can't think of a better way to get back into vinyl!
Ditto on Plinko's observations and suggestions,the blanket trick in really must try it to believe it.
Isolating the turntable from the room is imperative to good sound and don't worry about running long interconnects to the phono stage.


Yeah, the sound will bounce off the glass on the TV. A blanket might help a little.

Yep. Try moving the TV further back if you can.

I can't remember but I think I read that you can't use long interconnects with the Shindo gear. Maybe you can with the Monbrison.

Otherwise, despite not having the ideal environment for soundstaging, rest assured knowing that you're getting some of the best PRaT and tone money can buy from this amazing Shindo gear.


Plinko - thanks for your suggestion. Since then I tried putting an insulation platform under the turntable and the difference was indeed quite audible. My problem is that there is really no space to put the turntable on other than to the side, without having a long running phono cable.

Re: your comments on TV, is that due to the reflection? Will try out your blanket idea. Would moving the TV further to the back help?


Hi Ckste,

The Denon/Tannoy/Shindo combination you have here is interesting. I bet it sounds really good.

Suggetsion...try draping a blanket over your TV during your next listening session. Also, I'm not sure if you guys are joking around but do get that turntable off the floor. You have a Shindo gear...a $50 Lack table is peanuts in comparison so you could at least start with something like that. Can even try some spikes or different footers on that table.

My system is in our living room and I understand your plight. Integrating a TV into a setup that includes turntable is a difficult thing. I would also experiment with listening to the system with the TV removed from the center of the speakers. You might be surprised.


Papjohn10: the rack's from Quadraspire:


hi....looking for a rack for my system and yours look pretty cool....what is it and how much? thanks


But the Ikea Lack end table costs $50 here...


LP grooves contain microscopically small bumps and ridges that are read by a shard of diamond the size of the head of a pin. "Would isolating the turntable from the floor materially affect the sound quality?" You're kidding, right? Order a Lack end table from Ikea. It's $20. Put the table on it. See what happens. Right now, you might as well put the turntable right on top of your speakers.


Thanks for all the comments.

Joking aside :-) would isolating the turntable from the floor materially affect the sound quality?


Great place for a turntable!


I really can't imagine how sweet must "sing" Your wonderful pair of Tannoy Turnberry (that I had in my setup for almost 5 years) with Your Shindo Pre and Final!


The Denon you have looks like it is basically a US-spec DP-500M with a different base. It's a decent turntable. Any variant of the DL-103 is good.

So, the question is what kind of sound you want and how much you want to spend. In the $1000 and below category, I'm not sure you'll find anything across-the-board better than the Denon...only different.

What's your budget? And what specifically do you not like about the Denon aside from not being "close enough to the music"?

Because real transparency in LP playback is going to cost you and also be more complex to dial-in and use than the Denon.


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