
This system was upgraded over a period of eight years. The only futher change I plan to make is to upgrade the van den Hul phono cable that came with the SME to Nordost Tye. Otherwise very happy with the sound.

Components Toggle details

    • SME Model 20.2/A
    With SME V tonearm
    • Denon DL-S1
    Very low (0.15) output
    • Levinson Reference No 32
    With RCA phone modules
    • Levinson No 390S
    No 390S CD Processor
    • Nakamichi Dragon Cassette
    Discrete three head cassette deck with auto azimuth and auto reverse
    • Nakamichi DR-1
    Three head discrete cassette deck
    • Rega Radio R
    Rega AM/FM Stereo Tuner. Signal from Magnum Dynalab ST-2 Antenna
    • Conrad Johnson Premier 140
    140 watts stereo valve amplifier
    • Transparent Reference
    Speaker cables and all interconnect cables are transparent Reference (MM)
    • Vienna Acoustics Strauss
    In rosewood. Speakers have high frequencies tuning switch at rear
    • Nakamichi RX-505
    Nakamichi RX-505 used with Kimber Cable (RCA).
    • Nakamichi MR-1
    Nakamichi MR-1 used with balanced (XLR) Kimber cable.
    • Musical Fidelity X-Can V3
    Used with Grado Reference 1 headphones.

Comments 7

Nice system, however 3 cassette decks? can you comment further on the vienna speackers.


Hey I have some Nakamichi decks too. got em back in the early 80's. Still love the way they look and sound,and they are in flawless working condition,after almost 25 years of use. I have a NAK.BX300 & NAK.BX125. not quite to the leval of the almighty "DRAGON" but groovy to still have in my system.


Of the 4 Naks you use. Which is the easiest to use, maintain, with equally good sound, easy on the pocket and easily available in terms of parts and the equipment itself
on ebay or other websites.

With all these toys, do you have time for other pursuits?
Thank you.


Great looking system. Is that a hooka sitting behind the speakers?


The Denon cartidge is relatively expensive for that great SME table and arm. Did you try other cartridges? What made you settle on the Denon? How do like the arm?




There is no history to the rug, but it did make a small difference to the sound - better sound staging. I listen to all musical types including Pop, Jazz and Classical. Don't use the Levinson CD Player much anymore, as I find the LP system much more involving. As you can see, I have a particular interest in Nakamichi cassette decks. I now own four (Dragon, MR-1, DR-1 and RX-505). Regards.


Those VAs are beautiful speakers in a beautiful room. That rug on the wall looks incredible, is there a history there?

What music do you listen to?

Did your VA dealer do a Sumiko Master Set for you? For me that was the biggest single step in getting the most out of my Beethoven Baby Grands.



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