
I've updated my system quite a bit in the last year. I had a Rega P5, Dynavector 20x2L, Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena, Rogue Audio Cronus and DeVore Fidelity Gibbon 8 speakers.

Now I have a Well Tempered Amadeus GTA, an EMT TSD-15N SFL, Dynavector P75 mk.3, Line Magnetic 216IA and DeVore Fidelity 3XL speakers. It was quite a leap over the last system. I'm on my way towards the end game and I'm enjoying the ride.

Components Toggle details

    • DeVore Fidelity Orangutan O/93
    • Emotiva ERC-1
    CD player
    • Thorens TD-124 w/ Schick 9
    • Zu Denon DL-103
    • Shindo Aurieges MM
    Pre-amplifier/MM phono stage
    • Auditorium 23 Denon 103 SUT
    Step up transformer

Comments 17

There have been quite a few changes since the last time I updated the site. Enjoy.


It has better clarity and resolution. It also has more extended highs and a much better grip on the bass. The Rogue was more of a silky mids type amp, which is not really my preference. The Line Magnetic just seems to make instruments sound more natural and the better low end makes it much more dynamic.


Ive heard good comments about Line Magnetic products, congratulations!How does it better the Rogue amplifier?


So my setup has changed a bit. I've replaced the Rogue Audio Cronus, with a Line Magnetic 216IA.


nice set-up! clean and very well put together


nice set-up! cleanand very well put together


Thanks. When you hear the new 88s tell me how they compare. Very interested in your opinion. Thanks again.


The Tektons I had were the 6.5s, which I don't think are made anymore. I'm guessing they'd sound very different from the Lore models that are currently available.

I'm also looking to hear the new 88s. I want to see how much an improvement they are on the original 8s that I have.


Can you tell me what tektons you had before the Devore. I am looking into the tekton Lore-S or Lore right now. I have a Red Wine Audio Sig 15 as an amp. Only 15 watts(doubles into 4 ohm)
not much but is surprisingly powerful. Sounds great with my totem rainmakers so long as I don't turn it up super loud. I have recently heard the Gibbon 88s. Way above my price point but sounded amazing. Was wondering how much of the 88 I would hear in the 8s - thanks jon


It's a very different presentation than the Rogue. Being 125 watts vs. the 55 watts of the Rogue, means there's a lot more head room. While not as smooth and full bodied as the Rogue, the extra power has given the low end a little more weight. Though, if I dare say so, it may be a little too much power for the DeVore's, as I can't really turn the volume knob past 9 o'clock without it being extremely loud. It has been fun using it though. I think it will be interesting when I switch back to the Rogue and note the differences.


I see--it's beautiful. How does it compare with the Rogue?


Thanks for the compliments, guys. Afranta, the tuner is actually a Sansui 9090DB. I actually have been using it as my amp this summer, as my apartment gets extremely hot. The tubes were just adding to the heat, so I'd thought I'd give it some time off.

Jimbojrjb, the Well Tempered is light years ahead of the P5. This is not a slight on the Rega, just an ode to how good the Amadeus truly is. The blackest backgrounds you'll ever hear coupled with amazing imaging and liquid highs and lows. It's been my most favorite audio purchase yet.


That's a really good-looking setup. Nice job! The tuner is fantastic. What is it?


BIG upgrade to the Well Tempered. Congrats it's a great table and arm.


Nice! How did your vinyl listening benefit from the turntable upgrades? I currently have a P5 but have been looking at others similar to Well Tempered. Thanks!


At the time, I had a pair of single driver Tekton speakers. They were good, but I needed more extension in both directions. I came across some articles about the DeVores and started to research them even more. Being that they are made in Brooklyn (where I live) I became even more intrigued. It so happens that I wound up speaking with John DeVore himself, and he happened to have this pair just traded in to him. Long story short, that is how I wound up with the DeVores. I guess I wasn't really looking at other speakers at that time, but I was totally satisfied with the Gibbon 8s.


I've been curious about DeVore. What other speakers did you consider before settling on the 8s?


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