
The summer has marked a number of fundamental changes to my system. I switched from the Music Hall mmf-5 to the VPI Scout - this was mainly to combat the grado hum (and get into a table with more of an upgrade path). The Grado hum is often reported on the VPI deck as well... but if it is still there, it is below the noise floor (which was not the case with the mmf-5).

I also decided to venture into the world of separates and I seemed to venture pretty far indeed. My initial intent was to get the Simaudio Moon P-5 / W-5 Combo figuring it would be a nice upgrade with similar voicing to the I-5LE. However, having heard Balanced Audio Technology monoblocks this spring, I begain to wonder what it would be like to experiment with a P-5 / BAT VK-60 monoblock pairing. My hope was that the P-5 would help maintain the Simaudio/ Totem synergy while the VK-60’s would lend some liquidity to the midrange. There is a substantial improvement in the overall sound of the system. Listener fatigue is nonexistent with the VK-60’s, yet the P-5 seems to maintain some of the detail and speed that I admire Simaudio for.

At this point I only feel that minor tweaking is necessary (as it always is). For one thing I need to choose some balanced interconnects to use between the Eclipse and P-5 as well as between the P-5 and VK-60’s. Any opinions of interconnect choices and other tweaks to add/perform is always appreciated! Thanks for looking. – Luke

Components Toggle details

    • Sonus Faber Cremona
    New addition.
    • Balanced Audio VK-60 monoblocks
    • Sim Audio Moon P-5
    Just added... so far so good.
    • Sim Audio Moon Eclipse
    I think I hate this CDP. It is so great that it has spurred a whole mass of upgrades! : ) It definitely makes redbook CD's a viable source.
    • Sim Audio Moon LP5.3
    Still breaking in...
    • VPI Industries Scout/ JMW-9
    Well built and well matched table/arm combo.
    • Shelter 501 mkii
    • Totem Acoustic Bi-Wire
    Three runs of Totem's Tress cable terminated with WBT banana plugs.
    • VPI HW-16.5
    Record cleaning machine - needed for anyone who buys used vinyl (especially if you live in the desert). One of the best purchases I have made!
    • TNT Flexy Variation
    A homebrew four shelf rack made with a variation of the TNT-flexy rack design.
    • Grado Reference Sonota
    Wood body, moving iron design.

Comments 10

fwiw i also have the totem hawks and i've played around with the beaks a bit. i've found that they defenately change the soundstage quite a lot. in my system, they work best on the rear, outside corners, giving the widest sonic picture.


Nissancrazy -
I have never used the speakers without the beaks so I can't say. However, I will try them without for a while and see what I find : )



What do you think of the beaks? Do you notice any difference with or without?


System edited: So two weeks ago I was cruising the Gon and came across a Simaudio Moon Eclipse that I couldn't pass up. So the HK is out and the Eclipse is in. Not too surprisingly, it is an improvement to say the least. I also built two bass traps that were very easy to construct from readily available materials. Just with these two 2'X4' panels the room sounds significantly better. Pictures of all the changes to come soon.



I have a similar setup - Totem Hawks with a Sim W3 amp. I agree that the Totem/Sim combination is very nice. One option to consider is to keep your changer and connect to a DAC using the digital out. That's what I have done, in my case I'm using the Benchmark DAC1.


Been there...still there.

Mine's 11 by 21 by 10. Not much better but it's all mine!

The only thing that made it work, and work well, is room treatment. Not necessarily brand-name stuff,,,just something to break things up. Blankets, books or bookcases, plants, even the furniture.

Good luck!



I would agree that there is something about the Totem sound... it is just "right". As for the room dimensions... it could not be worse. The room is essentially 12' wide x 12' long x 10' high. Although, the main door comes into the room at an angle which keeps the room from being completely square (but it also makes the room asymmetric). Room treatments are something I would love to experiment with to help the room in any way possible.


Nice looking system...quality components.

What are your room deminsions?

Good to see the turntable and Totem speakers. I recently added some Quad 22Ls to my system but will always keep my Totem Model 1s. Just something about that Totem sound...




Thank you for the input. I definitely have had the Moon Nova CDP on the short list (as well as just about every other Simaudio player). However, I had not considered the Musical Fidelity A5. It certainly looks like a great player... too many choices : )



Very nice system...I nearly went the Totem aware of the upgrade bug! If the Moon integrated sounds good with the speakers, you should consider their well reviewed CD player. I have been very please with a Musical Fidelity A5 as well...both a at a nice price point for a well balanced system.

Happy Listening


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