
My first dedicated 2-channel audio system. I think I have a couple nice pieces that I can build around.

Some upgrade thoughts:

-I'd like some more volume. While the 1050 has an OK sound, I just want more of it.

-cables. Not even sure where I would start with this.

Components Toggle details

    • Linn Espek w/ Kustone bases
    Bought these recently to build out my 2 channel audio system. I think they sound great for the amount of money I paid for them used.
    • OPPO DV-970HD
    I just love OPPO products. I used this as my main DVD player until I upgraded to Blu-ray and now it is a CD player/Hi-rez audio player in my two channel system.
    • NAD 533
    This is my Rega P2 clone. It is a decent little table that I can easily integrate into my system. I think I want to replace the platter for something a little more substantial than the MDF one currently on it.
    • Rega RB-250
    The famous little arm that could.
    • B&K Components PT-3
    So far, this has been a great preamp. I'm glad I tried this on the advice of some Audiogon members.
    • Rotel RB-1050
    I needed something that didn't break the bank and sounds decent. This fit the bill nicely.
    • Monoprice cables
    I went with cheap Monoprice cables just to get my system up and running. I figured there were other places in my system that could use upgrading before dropping cash on nice cables.
    • Microsoft Zune 80GB
    With my Zune, I'm not locked into the controlling world of Apple. The Zune is a fantastic piece of hardware.
    • Denon DL-160
    Love this so far.
    • PS Audio GCPH Phono Preamp
    I love that I can run this direct into my amp if I want to.

Comments 4

What are you doing about room acoustics, if anything? I found that treating the room SIGNIFICANTLY improved the sound. So, from 1st hand experience, I'd kindly suggest you consider acoustical treatments before swapping out cables, amplifiers, sources etc etc. If you want to know more, then I'll gladly help you.


System edited: I updated some of my pieces. New cartridge and phono preamp. I also finally got a glass platter for my NAD 533.


You may find upgrading your cables an exciting journey.You also may realise cables to be components among themselves.
It is absolutely NOT necessary to spend a fortune on cables to get jaw dropping responses when listening. I learnt that cable matching takes patience and a bit of frustration as each change you make will take a few days to settle and when you consider that everything connected in your system affects the sound that it can take time to get your desired sound.Remember that as much as plugging in a tuner will affect your total sound regardless the source component your listening to. A tuner for example affects the overall sound just by being plugged into your preamp regardless if it's on or off and of course the interconnects and power cable will affect your overall sound. This is my experience.


how do you like the espek?


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