
The Milo Baughman recliner gets moved into the sweet spot when listing to music ; )
Also, this is an old photo that does not reflect a lot of changes over the last several years. 

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Note (UK) Oto Phono SE
    Integrated Amplifier
    • Tannoy Cheviot
    I bought these lovely singers 2 weeks into the COVID lockdown in Los Angeles after having rushed back to California from my house in Colombia. I had been using a pair of Snell E-1's up until the gods blessed me with a craigslist notification for these vintage Tannoy's selling for a very generous $1,000 in Compton CA. I rushed right over and tested them on an outdoor system set up by the owner's partner (who patched in via video call) and ran a sinewave sweep through them with a big grin painted across my face. When I asked if the price was flexible, the slender grey-haired face on the video screen laughed and said, "kid, you were the first one to write me about these but in the last hour I've gotten 15 more guys asking about them so if you don't want them that's okay with me!" I quickly handed over a thousand dollars to his other half and have never looked back.
    • Monarchy Audio NM-24
    Tube DAC with 4 Amprex Bugle Boy 6922s. I honestly can't say enough to compliment the musicality and beauty of this DAC which far outperforms its MSRP and age. When released TAS gave it a Golden Ear award. I don't know what I can give it other than a not-for-sale designation. If you can find one just know it'll kick the tail off of almost any DAC under 10k
    • LUMIN D1
    Network Streamer with SBoost linear power supply.
    This replaced a Bluesound Node 3rd Gen, which replaced an ish Apple Airport Express...while the Bluesound was a revelation, the Lumin has been a gentle resurrection in my interest in digital...which considering that I have about 12,000 more digital rips than I have LP's, is a more than welcome thing!
    • Sota Sapphire (with vacuum system)
    • Graham Engineering 1.5t
    • Audio Note (UK) IQII
    This is the first MM I've had in my system since I "upgraded" to MCs, working my way through the usual suspects and even a lovely MI from Soundsmith. This so-called "downgrade" to an MM has actually been far more musical and convincing than my previous attempts at achieving vinyl woah. The last cartridge my humble Audio Note IQII kicked off the stage was a Sumiko Talisman Virtuoso Dti. Sure, that was the state-of-the-art when my turntable was purchased (by the OG owner) in the '90s, but the IQII's magnets mopped the floor of those wooly coils. In due time, I might upgrade to an IQIII, but I have little to no intention of moving up the Audio Note line to one of their multi-MILLION-dollar moving coil cartridges—which, let's face it, would require not just an expensive SUT but probably also selling a kidney on the black market!

Comments 6

Nice setup! Would love to see more pictures. Thanks for sharing.



Hey everyone, thanks for the kind comments! I'll be updating with more recent photos soon, as a few things have changed, including a thicker rug, which has contributed to an even more musical sound compared to the flatweave rug pictured above.

@infection Regarding the mention of the chair's designer, I included it because the seating from which we experience our music is just as integral to the system as the interconnects or speakers. Designing a chair, much like crafting an amplifier, requires a great deal of creativity and ingenuity. Perhaps the mention struck you as pretentious? However, considering your profile picture is Andres Serrano's 'Piss Christ,' I imagine you have an appreciation for both contemporary art and industrial design.

Cheers to all! Enjoy the jams!


Lovely space. Why not update a picture with all the changes? I am into evolution


Why couldn't you just say chair?!!
Nice system & space.


Agree with Doyle, this is a lovely and open listening space.


That's got to sound nice open and airy just like your room. Well done! Beautiful record shelving also.


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