
This is my gym (16'x16'x8') and now it serves as a gym & a listening room. The room treatment consists of Soffit Bass traps (17" squared) from floor to ceiling behind the speakers as well as 7" thick Monster traps. There are also 7" Monster traps at the first reflection points on the sides and 5" bass traps on the ceiling at first reflection. And corner traps at the back corners of the room. The black & white panels are combination 4" bass traps with diffusors on the front & they are at the front & back of the room. As well there's a wool rug on the floor. The diffusion panels are mounted on the wall behind the rack and everything else is freestanding & able to be moved. The traps on the side walls are elevated on dumbbells to get a better height.

Room Details

Dimensions: 16’ × 16’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • McIntosh MC462
    • McIntosh C2700
    • Pure Fidelity Harmony
    • Audio Origami PU7
    • Etsuro Urushi Blue Cobalt
    • Whest Audio Titan Pro
    • LUMIN T3
    • Sonus Faber Amati G5
    • Sonus Faber Gravis V
    • Butcher Block Acoustics Rigid rack

Comments 9

Beautiful system, love the attention to the detail. I am pursuing Etsuro Bordeaux and got Whest Audio on my radar…how do you like the synergy between the two? My current phono is Allnic H-6500.  Cheers!


@jaytor between the bass traps & the subwoofer I'm quite happy with  the bass and the overall sound. At one point I'd considered getting a MEN220 or similar but decided against it as I prefer to play a lot of vinyl & the idea of taking that analog signal, converting it to digital and then sending it to my  speakers didn't make sense.


Nice looking system. The room dimensions must pose real challenges with the bass. Are you finding that the bass traps smooth it out well enough?


great system


Awesome system surprised you can get any workouts done with that rig playing! ;)


@emergingsoul The Amatis are tricky to move but mainly because of the spikes and metal disks for feet. They each weigh 110lbs. They seem to fit the room well.


Really like acoustic panels on the ceiling.


Love the space.  Is that a good size for amatis.  Look amazing.

How hard is it to move them around? Can you slide them a few inches across the room?

Really nice system. Wide rack really nice


@dwcda Nice setup.. I almost bought the Amati, instead settled  for the Serafinos and Olympica 3s.. to have two sets of speakers..


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